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JayWood2010 said:
shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:
$280 o.O

I think if I sold my current Xbox One and braved the crowds I could get AC Unity and Black Flag for free, lol. Don't think I want to get caught up in a stampede though, lol.

I'm hoping there's a good PS3 deal this year, I'd love to get a PS3 for less than $150, I have a pretty big backlog on PS3 still, might just brave those crowds to get a good deal on a PS3.

As much as you love JRPG games id def recommend the PS3.  That and it has a wide variaty of exclusives.  Im actually playing through Ni No Kuni again currently

JRPG's are pretty good, but for new PS3 owners getting its biggest games is a must and JRPG's are certainly not one of them.

Btw Shikamaru you should get God Of War: Saga (5 God Of War games in one), TLOU and Uncharted trilogy if you buy a PS3. These games are its must-have exclusives.

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GTAexpert said:
JayWood2010 said:


JRPG's are pretty good, but for new PS3 owners getting its biggest games is a must and JRPG's are certainly not one of them.

Btw Shikamaru you should get God Of War: Saga (5 God Of War games in one), TLOU and Uncharted trilogy if you buy a PS3. These games are its must-have exclusives.

Well i recommended them because i know thats what Shika likes and it fits his tastes. ot because theyre big games.  Everybody has different tastes

Personally i hate God of War.  TLoU and Uncharted are excellent though.  

My personal recommendations would be TLoU, Uncharted, Resistance, Ratchet & Clank, and ICO & Shadow of Colloussus Collection.  I cant think of much else right now but something might pop up later for me.  


Lighting looks incredible. Levels look like they rise from the ground.

JayWood2010 said:
GTAexpert said:
JayWood2010 said:


JRPG's are pretty good, but for new PS3 owners getting its biggest games is a must and JRPG's are certainly not one of them.

Btw Shikamaru you should get God Of War: Saga (5 God Of War games in one), TLOU and Uncharted trilogy if you buy a PS3. These games are its must-have exclusives.

Well i recommended them because i know thats what Shika likes and it fits his tastes. ot because theyre big games.  Everybody has different tastes

Personally i hate God of War.  TLoU and Uncharted are excellent though.  

My personal recommendations would be TLoU, Uncharted, Resistance, Ratchet & Clank, and ICO & Shadow of Colloussus Collection.  I cant think of much else right now but something might pop up later for me.  

Oh I didn't know he liked JRPG's. I wonder then why he didn't get a PS3 yet lol, its got most of them.

Also, you may personally hate God Of War, like I hate Gears Of War, but he may really like it, the series is an excellent one IMO. As for the other games you listed, I think R&C is the only one which might appeal to him.

GTAexpert said:
JayWood2010 said:
GTAexpert said:

 I think R&C is the only one which might appeal to him.

He likes Halo so id assume he would be good with Resistance.  In my opinion Resistance is one of the best storyline FPS games behind halo.  Multiplayer was kid of a mess but the story was really good.  


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shikamaru317 said:
I want to try TLOU, but I may wait to play it until I get a PS4 later this generation. Not sure about Uncharted, always looked like lame mix of Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones to me, but I'll probably at least give it a rent. Never really been interested in God of War, not big on hack and slash games as it is, plus I'm not really a fan of the setting.

My PS3 backlog currently:

Games I know I want to play

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
Yakuza 5 (even if I have to learn Japanese to play it, lol)
Tales of Zestiria
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia 2
Ni No Kuni
Valkyria Chronicles
Back to the Future: The Game (I know it's on PC but I'd rather play it on a platform where achievements mean something)
Tokyo Jungle
Atelier: Shallie

Games I might try
Ratchet and Clank
Sly Cooper

Pretty solid list, no FFX HD tho?

shikamaru317 said:

Games I might try
Ratchet and Clank

More like you better try :P lol  Uncharted is kind of like Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones but its still an excellent franchise.  Uncharted 2 is much better than the first one though.  The shooting mechanics arent anything amazing in Uncharted but the overall package is really good and the characters/story makes it worthwhile.  If you like Tomb Raider you will like Uncharted


JayWood2010 said:

If you like Tomb Raider you will like Uncharted

That didn't happen for me :( But I'm weird lol

I found Tomb Raider much more enjoyable.

shikamaru317 said:
iceland said:

Pretty solid list, no FFX HD tho?

It's a possibility. It's so long though, and I've heard some criticism about it (largely in regards to the voice acting and dialogue in general), so I'm not sure that I'd want to invest myself in such a long game when there's a possibility I might not like it. 

Your list is pretty good, but you are missing out on PlayStation's best exclusive series.

iceland said:

JayWood2010 said:

If you like Tomb Raider you will like Uncharted

That didn't happen for me :( But I'm weird lol

I found Tomb Raider much more enjoyable.

Really? o.O  I did find Tomb Raider to be better personally.  I just found the gameplay to be better.  As for story Uncharted has a more lighthearted nature to it where Tomb Raider is darker but i wouldnt say one or the other was better in that aspect