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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Hey, who's that Giggs user who's toping all charts on page 1?

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#343BOLA is going through Twitch lol

jlmurph2 said:
#343BOLA is going through Twitch lol

I saw that and lol'd

Giggs_11 said:
Hey, who's that Giggs user who's toping all charts on page 1?

He is who made the prediction league in this thread.  And he has done an amazing job with it too


I think I might share something nice with Xbox One owners sometime this week.

Around the Network

Hahahaha! Dat roller coaster

What does that picture mean? (non-Gaffer)

Goatseye said:
What does that picture mean? (non-Gaffer)

It means Halogaffers and just about every halo fan was taken on an emotional roller coaster losing their sh*t while Josh Holmes was able to set everything straight and make stuff better.

Danke murph^

Goatseye said:
Danke murph^

No problem!