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Man a Halo RPG, I'd be all over that.

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JayWood2010 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Where's D4?.... =P


Oh I see it xD

yeah i cant go upsetting wright :P


COD trailer was great, would never buy tho.


iceland said:
Man a Halo RPG, I'd be all over that.

Similar to destiny? Or different?


Ryuu96 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Keep the list and update it on front page =P want to see how it changes at E3 and beyond

Ofc it all won't matter because it's not coming from MS owned Studios will be the excuse if MS starts throwing out new Ip's Lol

What matters is MSFT is investing in games, first party and third party.  Ive said it before, but i look at it this way.  Microsoft's first party is basically the whole industry lol  YOu never know who they will be investing in next lol


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By the way, guys, I just beat Injustice. It may not be the greatest fighting game out there, but I sure enjoyed my time with it. It's bloody great.

Wright said:

By the way, guys, I just beat Injustice. It may not be the greatest fighting game out there, but I sure enjoyed my time with it. It's bloody great.

Meh, stupid game/franchise is preventing my bi yearly Mortal Kombat like days of olde :(


Wright said:

By the way, guys, I just beat Injustice. It may not be the greatest fighting game out there, but I sure enjoyed my time with it. It's bloody great.

Glad you enjoyed it :)  I played it at someone's house and thought it was pretty decent.  Was kind of unbalanced but still good none the less


Seece said:
Wright said:

By the way, guys, I just beat Injustice. It may not be the greatest fighting game out there, but I sure enjoyed my time with it. It's bloody great.

Meh, stupid game/franchise is preventing my bi yearly Mortal Kombat like days of olde :(

Well, I thought you'd feel at home with Injustice. Much better than MK vs DC if you ask me xD

JayWood2010 said:
Wright said:

By the way, guys, I just beat Injustice. It may not be the greatest fighting game out there, but I sure enjoyed my time with it. It's bloody great.

Glad you enjoyed it :)  I played it at someone's house and thought it was pretty decent.  Was kind of unbalanced but still good none the less

It is very unbalanced; but there ain't any character that is broken beyond the point that they can pull an invictus!