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Ryuu96 said:

Mass Effect Trilogy Listed For PS4 And Xbox One

by James

Seems that more remastered titles may be heading towards the PS4 and Xbox One as online retailer site, Zmart has listed the Mass Effect series for the PS4.   You can view the listing page here.  Thanks Neogaf

From Around the Web:

I would definetely buy this as I couldn't get into part 3 since I was really busy at school. If they release the game with better graphics and all the DLC then why not. I think it's an EA decision not a Bioware decision.

@seece it is bit expensive for what it provides. Moreover you should wait a little bit surface mini or maybe a new windows phone 8 tablet coming in future. But overall if we leave piece tablet is fine just short on battery life. Performance wise it is good runs most of the games and handles them nicely. You should wait for other windows tablets.

I'm also interrested in a tablet but don't know which one. My phone is a Nokia Lumia and I love it. I don't want a tablet that is too big so the iPad Mini got my attention but I just hate iTunes and Apple's way of locking everyting... the Galaxy Tab is also interresting.

I wanted a Windows Tablet, like the Nokia 2520 but I'm not sure about the size.

FrontlineJaguar said:
@seece it is bit expensive for what it provides. Moreover you should wait a little bit surface mini or maybe a new windows phone 8 tablet coming in future. But overall if we leave piece tablet is fine just short on battery life. Performance wise it is good runs most of the games and handles them nicely. You should wait for other windows tablets.

Windows app store is crap and that's primarily why I'm getting an iPad, so I'm pretty much settled on not getting a surface lol. Not waiting either, want something in the next month.


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@seece are you using a windows 8pc and windows 8 store is not as much trash you think give me the list of games you generally play and what is the main purpose of the tablet I can help you better.

How many of you use a windows phone here. Specify about your phone too.
I am using a Lumia 520 for general use and Lumia 820 for gaming purposes. What about you

FrontlineJaguar said:
@seece are you using a windows 8pc and windows 8 store is not as much trash you think give me the list of games you generally play and what is the main purpose of the tablet I can help you better.

Yeah I have a Lumia 800 and windows 8


Seece said:
FrontlineJaguar said:
@seece it is bit expensive for what it provides. Moreover you should wait a little bit surface mini or maybe a new windows phone 8 tablet coming in future. But overall if we leave piece tablet is fine just short on battery life. Performance wise it is good runs most of the games and handles them nicely. You should wait for other windows tablets.

Windows app store is crap and that's primarily why I'm getting an iPad, so I'm pretty much settled on not getting a surface lol. Not waiting either, want something in the next month



Might I interest you in a android tablet? the app store is bigger, due to having double the install base of iOS.

@seece what is the main purpose of buying a tablet and what all games will you be playing.
Btw I think it's time to update your smartphone. Which will you consider buying next smartphone.