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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Ryuu96 said:

I'm trusting the word off a Neogafer (Steve dude, his the creator off that pretty good Steverulez site xD)

On Podcast unlocked one of the guys on that (Ryan?) said he saw stuff for it last week and the embargo ends on Monday, said it was Netflix like I think but not 100% sure on context.


So one off us or me will have to listen to it...he was right about Embargo though, Phil just tweeted it Lol

Sounds good to me.  Possibly a somewhat big announcement coming monday then.  Though if it is netflix based it prob isnt exclusive to xbox, which is also perfectly fine by me


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Wright said:
shikamaru317 said:
^Speaking of Tales, it really needs to go multiplat and release on Xbox again, I just saw the 2nd trailer for Zestiria last night and it made me so sad that it's a PS3 exclusive.

I wish Tales released on 360 as well, but Tales Team only wants to cater for their Japanese fanbase, which is on Ps3. The rest of the world doesn't matter. (Which is why the Nintendo fanbase is also pissed off)

That doesn't make much sense to me though. They are a 3rd party dev, who I doubt is getting paid by Sony for exclusivity, so why not reach more audiences. If MS is willing to fund development, why would they decline? Vesperia sold what? 800K, that's not terrible and that's the only Xbox tales game. 

Edit: Didn't Symphonia on the Cube sell the most out of all tales games?">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
Wright said:

I prefer replacing it with Vesperia and Lost Odyssey xD

The best Xbox 360 games IMO... :D

And screw you Ryuu... lol, oh Starcraft, or Conegamer...! Get him!

Exclusive-wise, perhaps. I also love Dead Rising and Gears as strong candidates to best 360 games :D

Slade6alpha said:
Wright said:

I wish Tales released on 360 as well, but Tales Team only wants to cater for their Japanese fanbase, which is on Ps3. The rest of the world doesn't matter. (Which is why the Nintendo fanbase is also pissed off)

That doesn't make much sense to me though. They are a 3rd party dev, who I doubt is getting paid by Sony for exclusivity, so why not reach more audiences. If MS is willing to fund development, why would they decline? Vesperia sold what? 800K, that's not terrible and that's the only Xbox tales game. 

But Vesperia, and Symphonia 2 sold like crap on Japan; whereas Graces and Xillia did awesome (on Japan). So yet again, the platform of choice is where the Japanese fanbase is. Tales Team so said it themselves.

Wright said:
Slade6alpha said:
Wright said:

I prefer replacing it with Vesperia and Lost Odyssey xD

The best Xbox 360 games IMO... :D

And screw you Ryuu... lol, oh Starcraft, or Conegamer...! Get him!

Exclusive-wise, perhaps. I also love Dead Rising and Gears as strong candidates to best 360 games :D

What about... Catherine? :O

(Also on my backlog shelf)">"><img src="

Around the Network
Slade6alpha said:
Wright said:

Exclusive-wise, perhaps. I also love Dead Rising and Gears as strong candidates to best 360 games :D

What about... Catherine? :O

(Also on my backlog shelf) 


But Catherine isn't exclusive, hence why I said that :)

Ryuu96 said:
Wait so you guys want Ms to have their tv shows and also ones that are currently running for their sub thing?

So like Halo Tv Show and Game Of Thrones on the same Netflix kinda thing?

Not sure what youre saying? lol

What i want is for MSFT to have a service similar to netflix with a better selection plus have their originol shows on it.  I doubt theyd get Game of Thrones season 1-3 on it, but if they did that would be huge for a lot of people


Wright said:
Slade6alpha said:
Wright said:

Exclusive-wise, perhaps. I also love Dead Rising and Gears as strong candidates to best 360 games :D

What about... Catherine? :O

(Also on my backlog shelf) 


But Catherine isn't exclusive, hence why I said that :)

Oh okay I got you :)">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:
What other franchises does Namco Bandai Studio make besides Tales? They must have been given an Xbox One license for some reason.

I'm very ignorant to this, so don't laugh if I'm wrong, but... Dark Souls?">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:
Also people on Gaf are idiots ¬.¬ it's like they don't think MS are rich enough to do tv shows and games, it's not like 343/black tusk/lionhead etc. are suddenly making tv shows Lol although I'm sure maybe a few off them will be watching over it....out off 340 staff.. ¬.¬

Dont take the internet too serious.  A lot of people say things with an agenda, so you never really can tell what is true or false.

Anyways, the only game/Movie related studio is Microcosft LA Studios and 343i which helped with Forward Unto Dawn. How much they helped, idk.