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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Slade6alpha said:
iceland said:
I'm not a fan of Fable, Gears, or Forza. Wait... why am I an Xbox fan again? xD

One word... Halo. 

I was actually like that 2 years ago. I didn't like Fable, Forza, Gears, or Halo. Never got why I liked Xbox over PS xD

I dislike Halo, but enjoy Fable, Gears and Project Gotham Racing :P

Around the Network
shikamaru317 said:
Hopefully it'll be included with Gold, I'm not going to pay extra just for the shows they've talked about so far, they'll need some big surprises to get me to pay extra.

For me if its subscription based like Netflix to where i pay like 5-10 dollars a month or something in that area id prob do it if the shows are good enough.

However if it is like Xbox video where you pay for indivudal episodes (Overpriced) then i wont do it.

The thing is, these shows will likely be costly so i  doubt theyll be free with gold.


Ryuu96 said:

Whatever Netflix is...xD 

Pay monthly to watch movies/tv shows

(It won't just be tv shows on the Xbox thing either)

That id prob pay for honestly.  Just make the price right


Ryuu96 said:
Wright said:

I dislike Halo, but enjoy Fable, Gears and Project Gotham Racing :P

But....PGR is dead......replace it with Halo =P

I prefer replacing it with Vesperia and Lost Odyssey xD

shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, what exactly does "like Netflix" mean? Are they going to have a sub fee but it's not for JUST the Xbox shows, instead there'll be a selection of shows/movies currently on the Xbox Video store included with the sub for unlimited streaming plus the Xbox original content? Assuming that they had a nice selection of existing shows/movies I might go for that since Netflix's instant selection is lacking nowadays.

From what Ryuu said that is what it sounds like.  Im hoping.

Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and hopefully MSFT whatever is really crippling Cable TV.  I dont even do cable tv anymore.  So over-priced and streaming services seem to be better priced with a lot of content.  I just wish HBOGO would get away from Cable.  Then id be happy.  I use someone else's HBOGO but none the less id pay for it myself if they got away from cable


Around the Network
shikamaru317 said:
^Speaking of Tales, it really needs to go multiplat and release on Xbox again, I just saw the 2nd trailer for Zestiria last night and it made me so sad that it's a PS3 exclusive.

I dont know why theyre doing that.  Vesperia sold really wellon X360


shikamaru317 said:
^Speaking of Tales, it really needs to go multiplat and release on Xbox again, I just saw the 2nd trailer for Zestiria last night and it made me so sad that it's a PS3 exclusive.

I wish Tales released on 360 as well, but Tales Team only wants to cater for their Japanese fanbase, which is on Ps3. The rest of the world doesn't matter. (Which is why the Nintendo fanbase is also pissed off)

shikamaru317 said:
^Speaking of Tales, it really needs to go multiplat and release on Xbox again, I just saw the 2nd trailer for Zestiria last night and it made me so sad that it's a PS3 exclusive.

Same :(

Glad I can play it on my PS3, but I really hope MS steps up and fund for a One version for next gen Tales. There is a market for those games on the 360/One in America, just not as high as PS.">"><img src="

Wright said:
shikamaru317 said:
^Speaking of Tales, it really needs to go multiplat and release on Xbox again, I just saw the 2nd trailer for Zestiria last night and it made me so sad that it's a PS3 exclusive.

I wish Tales released on 360 as well, but Tales Team only wants to cater for their Japanese fanbase, which is on Ps3. The rest of the world doesn't matter. (Which is why the Nintendo fanbase is also pissed off)

That is kind of a crap reason though -_-  Obviously Tales has fans in the west so they shuold just do it.  I dont mind getting it for ps3, but still kind of crap reasoning for them to exclude consoles

And yeah i can understand nintendo being pissed.  


Wright said:
Ryuu96 said:
Wright said:

I dislike Halo, but enjoy Fable, Gears and Project Gotham Racing :P

But....PGR is dead......replace it with Halo =P

I prefer replacing it with Vesperia and Lost Odyssey xD

The best Xbox 360 games IMO... :D

And screw you Ryuu... lol, oh Starcraft, or Conegamer...! Get him!">"><img src="