FrontlineJaguar said: Guys tell me honestly is Lost Odyssey 2 coming or not don't play with my emotions |
No its not, just wanted to piss slade off :P
FrontlineJaguar said: Guys tell me honestly is Lost Odyssey 2 coming or not don't play with my emotions |
No its not, just wanted to piss slade off :P
Then what was that tweet from Phil was it fake Jay that's not good of it was a prank
Xbox One DVR and OneGuide Coming to SmartGlass
The OneGuide UI for SmartGlass
In a blog post on the Xbox Wire, Microsoft today announced a series of updates for its Xbox SmartGlass and Xbox Video services that the company hopes will improve the "all-in-one" nature of the Xbox One.
First, Microsoft is adding a range of new SmartGlass features that promise to make it easier for users to navigate various Xbox One applications and services. With the latest Xbox One SmartGlass update, you can, per Microsoft's words:
You can download the free Xbox One SmartGlass app for iOS and Android today.
Microsoft is also allowing select Xbox Live users in the United States, Europe, and Canada try out new OneGuide features that are "designed to improve the TV experience" on Xbox One. Users chosen to participate in the beta will see:
These features will be released publicly later in the year, Microsoft said.
Switching to Xbox Video, beginning this week users can rent or buy a movie from Xbox Video, start watching on one screen and then pick up exactly where they left off on another. This feature is coming later to Windows Phone 8 and users.
Twitch Sets Record-Breaking Numbers on Xbox One: Nearly 23 million minutes have been broadcast since launch
Ryuu96 said: ...How is Peggle 2 winning... Lol Your all fanboys! |
I voted ACIV, dont blame me lol
This isnt fake right? This shit look fucking insane. Someone post vid for me plz
shikamaru317 said:
Sad face
Valve and Ms friends i don't believe this Gabe hates MS for everything they do.
Is anybody else tired of the a7pril 9fools 1jokes yet? or is everyth2ing still 4good, maybe yo8ure 3g5lad about them? I for one 14have be17en staying a11way from news tod12ay. I feel kind of guilt6y about my joke thi13s morning so i took the title down. Got tired of s15eeing joke th16read one a10fter another.
Ryuu96 said: 2 problems encountered on Battlefield 4 so far xD doing pretty good so far considering how broken it was suppose to be...only on mission 4 =P let's see the total Loll |
i dont find the multiplayer to be all that broken. Just bad. The singleplayr had save issues when it first came out though. I assume it has been fixed