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Ryuu96 said:
jlmurph2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Well, my disc drive is broke, new issue it now says "can't read disc, it may be damaged try cleaning or trying a different disc"

So tried Titanfall - Nothing
Tried PVZ - Nothing

Rayman Legends - Nothing

Dead Rising 3 - Nothing


¬.¬ this is covered right? wont have to pay for a new xb1?


Weird...turned it on and off and now Titanfall is working...obviously it's probably going to get worse though ¬.¬

You haven't moved your Xbox with a disc in it lately have you? 

No Lol, I'm thinking it could be a software problem though..seems this April update has caused some issues so probably this disc proble is one of them (Also checked forums and somebody else said he had the same issue)

Or! like people had at the start of launch, my disc drive is breaking Lol

And to think...before the 180 we weren't going to even need our disc drive except for Blu-rays and installing.

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that sucks ryuu -_- YOu sending it back for repairs?


And it happens to you of all people, one of the biggest Xbox fans here. Hope you get your One situated. You could always sell it for a PS4 ;)">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

Well, my disc drive is broke, new issue it now says "can't read disc, it may be damaged try cleaning or trying a different disc"

So tried Titanfall - Nothing
Tried PVZ - Nothing

Rayman Legends - Nothing

Dead Rising 3 - Nothing


¬.¬ this is covered right? wont have to pay for a new xb1?


Weird...turned it on and off and now Titanfall is working...obviously it's probably going to get worse though ¬.¬

Call them ASAP man seriously before the warranty runs out and you are left with a paperweight. At least see what they say.

mwahahaha I have the highest score in Killer Instinct on the gamescore league xD The Sting dont you dare pass me :P


Around the Network

A question for Seece. Would you like me to put your new XBO Gamerscore League on the front page and replace what we have now or would you like me to leave what i have and just keep that thread separated?


Ryuu96 said:
Slade6alpha said:
And it happens to you of all people, one of the biggest Xbox fans here. Hope you get your One situated. You could always sell it for a Wii U ;)

I know it happens to me off all people! Corportate Vice President, head of Microsoft Game studios! ;) Lol!

It looks like I'm the only person here getting issues xD tbf it's annoying but it is a new console bought on launch, I was expecting it to break week 1 Loll if it screws up then I will just send it and get a new one =P (pretty sure you also get a free digital game for disc drive problems Lol)

I hope it doesn't cost you anything. I'm pretty sure MS offers a 1 year warranty. You should show them all the owrk you do here, could get you another free game xD Not sure about the other free digital game you mentioned.

The only issues I'm having with the disc driver is sometimes when I put games and DVDs in, it doesn't read it, says, "please insert an Xbox One game, CD, or Blu-ray disc." I just keep putting it in and it finally accepts it.">"><img src="

JayWood2010 said:
mwahahaha I have the highest score in Killer Instinct on the gamescore league xD The Sting dont you dare pass me :P

How do i get in this?

TheSting said:
JayWood2010 said:
mwahahaha I have the highest score in Killer Instinct on the gamescore league xD The Sting dont you dare pass me :P

How do i get in this?

Contact Seece. He'll set you up.">"><img src="

TheSting said:
JayWood2010 said:
mwahahaha I have the highest score in Killer Instinct on the gamescore league xD The Sting dont you dare pass me :P

How do i get in this?