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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

EB1994 said:
Goatseye said:
WebmasterX said:



Good thing I'm not the only one who didn't understand a word he just said lol...

Edit - I think he's trying to say Xbox One is selling because of games and PS4 is selling because it's trendy? I think...I don't know! It's trying to communicate with us but I don't understand!

Hahaha Yes i'm trying to say that you think. Sorry and thanks

Around the Network
JayWood2010 said:

New Theme Update on front page(Im no longer hiding them to let people have the option to pause them)

Wow that Forza song is incredible... love it!

Jazz2K said:
JayWood2010 said:

New Theme Update on front page(Im no longer hiding them to let people have the option to pause them)

Wow that Forza song is incredible... love it!

Isnt it though :D


Seece said:

Will be working on it tonight to get it finished!

Awesome!  :D  


Seece said:
I'm doing the gamerscore league now, Ryuu you're in second place for gamerscore on XB1! 5k+ already

I have more than that. Murph JL 

Around the Network

I keep thinking about that headline...
Guys got any predictions? Platinum Games? Nagano...">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

If the rumour is right I personally think it's obviously Nagano =/ am I the only one that doesn't like Bayonetta or Platinums other games? xD it's personally to me not that exciting if they are the ones making it .... would of went crazy for Mistwalker Lol

You know my thoughts on Mistwalker... but didn't Phil say he hasn't been in contact with him in awhile.

I really enjoy the uniquness of Platnium, Bayonetta was awesome IMO. Different strokes for different folks.">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

Well, my disc drive is broke, new issue it now says "can't read disc, it may be damaged try cleaning or trying a different disc"

So tried Titanfall - Nothing
Tried PVZ - Nothing

Rayman Legends - Nothing

Dead Rising 3 - Nothing


¬.¬ this is covered right? wont have to pay for a new xb1?


Weird...turned it on and off and now Titanfall is working...obviously it's probably going to get worse though ¬.¬

You haven't moved your Xbox with a disc in it lately have you? 

Can't wait for this year E3 and GDC... the begining of a new gen is always exciting especially one year later as devs start to develop for the new hardware and take advantage of the new possibilities.

I would've like Itagaki to port Devil's Third to X1... can't wait to see more of that game.

If the unanounced japanese game is exclusive and unique never before seen kind of game do you think it's because it involves Kinect? I like the Kinect but I hope if it's a Kinect game they put some budget behind it and don't just try to tack Kinect controls over regular controls. And I hope it's not some cute anime with super deformed characters.