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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

New Theme Update on front page(Im no longer hiding them to let people have the option to pause them)


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Seece said:
Ryuu96 said:


I'm doing XB1 only, fresh start, this being XBO nation ect. 18/24 members have Xbox One anyway, much higher than I thought it'd be.

You'll find out a bit later when I post everything :P

Will patiently wait to see what you have for us :D


Nice find as usual ryuu! Front paged


Damn, what could it be if not Mistwalker?

SE? Bamco? PG? Lv5?

Ryuu96 said:
iceland said:
Damn, what could it be if not Mistwalker?

SE? Bamco? PG? Lv5?

Maybe it is Mistwalker? O.o it's probably platinum considering latest rumours, which I will be dissapointed about since I don't like Platinum games much...(as in their games...) Lol but this new Ip might make me change my mind =P

Sega Shenmue!Lol

Mistwalker would be awesome, I just don't think it's them after the whole Sakaguchi thing on twitter. I think PG is very likely, they seem to like doomed consoles

jk lol

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Ryuu96 said:
iceland said:
Damn, what could it be if not Mistwalker?

SE? Bamco? PG? Lv5?

Maybe it is Mistwalker? O.o it's probably platinum considering latest rumours, which I will be dissapointed about since I don't like Platinum games much...(as in their games...) Lol but this new Ip might make me change my mind =P

Nevermind it's seen before xD

I hope it is "Tri-ACE" i want a sequel of IU 

Just watched the Preview of Game of Thrones Season 4 (15 minutes) on HBO Go. Can not wait xD Would like to see Xbox One get HBO Go but ill use it on Xbox 360 or ps3 i suppose


shikamaru317 said:
Man, the Xbox One should be selling really well right now. The Titanfall bundle is #7 on Amazon's hourly charts right now (only 2 spots behind the in-stock PS4) and the Forza bundle is at #68, and that's while Walmart and Best Buy are selling the Titanfall bundle for $50 less. I think we could see another 100k+ week this week. And the best part is that Walmart plans to keep the Titanfall bundle at $450 until at least April 20, so it should continue selling well the next few weeks.

Im very curious about PS4.  Is Amazon their main retailer or something?  They dont seem to be stocking too many other reatilers from what it seems.

Anyways, that is good news for Xbox One considering InFamous just released.

Will be working on it tonight to get it finished!


Not falling for the hype...
Just going to wait and see :)">"><img src="