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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

BasilZero said:
JayWood2010 said:

Thanks! Yeah unfortunately it died :/  It could always be revived in the future though :)

You are right - it has a higher chance of reviving than the WiiU and the Vita.

Oh wait...I probably shouldnt of said that, oh well.

Good night for now my fellow Xdroids!

lol haha Night bro!


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papamudd said:
I have a hard time choosing on this poll... such different games... if it was COD vs BF4 the choice would be easy... but destiny I haven't heard enough about and seems more like a borderlands type of game than a competitive fps...

Haha yeah it is a tough matchup.  One of the toughest in the first round.  Both look great to me.  I chose Destiny though just because I love Bungie.  I have no problem admitting that I am bit of a Bungie fanboy lol

And knowing bungie I really hope they have a competitive multiplayer


Basil! You finally got a 360?!

So, are the next two games with gold already leaked?

Not sure if there is room but I will join Halo, Gears, titanfall, KI, borderlands.
Also join in on the killer instinct Tournament

Around the Network

Would be very happy with a Nov 8th release date for Xbox One!!


Oh, my...It seems Killer is Dead isn't getting that good scores.

XBO Nation News Update

6.2 Million Xbox Ones to ship this calendar year?

August 27, 2013 

Xbox One shipment forecast for 2013, says paper --> 

Microsoft has recently lowered its Xbox One shipment forecast for 2013 from seven million units originally to 6.2 million due to poor yield rates of the device's camera module, optical disc drive (ODD) and related assembly, according to a Chinese-language Economic Daily News (EDN) report citing market watchers.

Related upstream suppliers such as Global Unichip, Nuvoton Technology and Newmax, are expected to be impacted by the lower shipments, the report added.


6.2m is just an insane number ....


trunkswd said:
Seece said:
6.2m is just an insane number ....

Hey Seece! It could mean Microsoft's fiscal year. 6.2 million this year alone seems well impossible. I don't know of any consoles that have shipped that much in the first couple months. Than again Microsoft's 2013 fiscal year ended in June.

Hey man!

yeah I think I can imagine 6.2m up to June 2014 but not 2013.

And the 10m PS4 figure is even more ludicrus.