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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii NA sales plunge, can anyone give me an explanation why?

Isn't it obvious? The American people finally started listening to Hillary Clinton. The Wii, the kiddy console, makes murderers! The zapper shows that the Wiimote is dangerous and should be BANNED.

Now, you 50 million gamers in Usa, 1/7 of the society, vote Hillary Clinton.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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very good what these gentleman have said



SlorgNet said:
TheBigFatJ said:

Also, there is no strong signs of a ression. The ISM index was low, which means that supplies used in service industries were purchased less than usual. This doesn't indicate a recession, this indicates the opinion that a recession may be looming. And if you look at the US media, the opinion is undeniable.

It's much more than the ISM. The housing bubble has imploded, Wall Street is taking a beating, banks are declaring hundreds of billions of losses, lots of people are losing their homes, etc. Job growth has been terrible, especially recently.

That said, the recession shouldn't affect the game market. Mass media always does well during downturns - people want escape.

Not sure why the Wii was so low - probably just a weekly blip.

The housing bubble was unsustainable -- values were rising out of control.  The implosion was inevitable, and those banks who issued far too many subprime loans, of course, had a lot of trouble when people began defaulting on their loans as the value of their houses went down.  The housing market will always go up and down.  It was way too far up to not come down hard.

Job growth being down doesn't indicate a recession.  The economy slowing down is not the same as a recession.  Wall Street takes a beating every month.  It is still very, very high, and while there are signs that the economy is slowing, there is nothing that strongly indicates recession.

You're more likely to find investors -- aka, people who don't know what the hell they're talking about -- than economists that think we're in a recession.

Mummelmann said:
So what have we learned from this thread everyone?
Don't ever ask why Wii numbers are low in any one region, because if you do; you're a blithering idiot or a fanboy.
Sound reasoning indeed. People should be allowed to ask questions like these without being shot down like a black sparrow with a Barrett .50.

I agree with your overall message -- that people should be more pleasant about things.  However, the issue with this particular thread is that the OP asked a question that was answered: sales are down because supply is temporarily down.  This could be a factor of shipment arrival times, weather, diverted stock, etc.  With a little imagination about how complex a supply chain can be, this is easily a sufficient answer.

Also, part of the answer is that the Wii is still very supply constrained and that the lower sales have nothing to do with demand for the product, which still vastly exceeds supply.

The OP then goes on to say, "but other regions got lots" continuing to search for an answer that doesn't exist.  The supply chain -- from Nintendo's leased factory capacity right up to the store shelves -- resulted in fewer units being sold in North America during this 7-day period compared to the last one. 

The supply chain is an obviously complex beast and it is certainly not like clockwork.  It could be the case that supply to the US will be significantly more for the next 7 day period if one of the deliveries was simply late in arrival.

Microsoft and Sony should thank Nintendo for the shortages.  The store I work at, we'er finally saling the Xbox 360 arcade bundles and $400 40gig PS3.  WE CANT GET ENOUGH  Wii's.  (Tax return season helps) Wii sales are down cause the WORLD stills wants to play.  Wish there was a way to supply the world and please the gamers out there fast enough...  I'm guessing our supply will be up when Smash Bros. is released.

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I just went to the local Wal Mart and there were 10 Wii's in the case, I will be returning later today to see if they are still there.