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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Core exclusives Sony (PS3) Vs MS (X360).

kowenicki said:
pezus said:
DirtyP2002 said:



MS try again

Good old Sony, doing what Sony does.

announcing things way in advance again..... anyone seen Agent or Eight days or Last Guardian recently? 

That's the thing, they are not good old Sony announcing things way in advance. They have given us a time frame and the amount of games in productions, but they havent shown us those games yet. Which is quite different than 2006 when they showed many games that took years to come out. 

All  know is 140 are being made for the PS4, 20 exclusives in the first year. That's more than any other console.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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why are so many mad that sony has the best first party games? go play halo reach around already

Talal said:
I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014.

in reference to KH3 release date

Rpruett said:

Since 2006,  Microsoft has not released a full-fledged (non XBL) AAA title (90+ reviewed on Metacritic)  not named (Gears, Forza or Halo).    

No one cares how you're trying to spin the facts.   Microsoft hasn't produced games, that's why they've been outsold categorically since 2009 despite having a comparable graphics console that had a headstart, cheaper price and the largest software market in the world behimd it's sails.  While this list may have flaws, it's still an accurate portrayal of how miserable Microsoft has been in terms of game development, specifically with new IPs.

Stop spinning, start admitting.  It will benefit you, Microsoft and future discussions.

The funny part of this reply is none of his posts that you quoted had any "spin" in them. Another funny part is you're complaining about this non-existent "spin", while your post is chock full of it. Here, I will bold them for you to help you out. I mean.. are you trying to tell us that games like PGR3/4, GT5, Crackdown, GoW Ascension, among many many other exclusives, are not "AAA" because they don't pass your made up 90% criteria? So Killzone 2 is a AAA game but Killzone 3 is not? lol

Also, can we get off this myth that PS3 started outselling the 360 just in 2009? The PS3 was on track to outsell it from day one. People talk about how terrible the PS3 launch was, you align the launches and it outsold the 360 from day one. It outsold the 360 in 2007 as well. It didn't just start in 2009.

papamudd said:
why are so many mad that sony has the best first party games? go play halo reach around already

Well... let's say this year it's being pretty much a strong drought of exclusive games for some users.

Plus Ps3 selling better than 360, Ps4 getting more support/success than Xbox One (Which is getting shitstormed day after day) etc...

In the end this is what happens, butthurt threads everywhere, and reality twisting trying to hide pretty much this facts.

At first is funny, but when you see the self-conviction of some users going wild... is kind of sad.

J_Allard said:
Rpruett said:

Since 2006,  Microsoft has not released a full-fledged (non XBL) AAA title (90+ reviewed on Metacritic)  not named (Gears, Forza or Halo).    

No one cares how you're trying to spin the facts.   Microsoft hasn't produced games, that's why they've been outsold categorically since 2009 despite having a comparable graphics console that had a headstart, cheaper price and the largest software market in the world behimd it's sails.  While this list may have flaws, it's still an accurate portrayal of how miserable Microsoft has been in terms of game development, specifically with new IPs.

Stop spinning, start admitting.  It will benefit you, Microsoft and future discussions.

The funny part of this reply is none of his posts that you quoted had any "spin" in them. Another funny part is you're complaining about this non-existent "spin", while your post is chock full of it. Here, I will bold them for you to help you out. I mean.. are you trying to tell us that games like PGR3/4, GT5, Crackdown, GoW Ascension, among many many other exclusives, are not "AAA" because they don't pass your made up 90% criteria? So Killzone 2 is a AAA game but Killzone 3 is not? lol

Also, can we get off this myth that PS3 started outselling the 360 just in 2009? The PS3 was on track to outsell it from day one. People talk about how terrible the PS3 launch was, you align the launches and it outsold the 360 from day one. It outsold the 360 in 2007 as well. It didn't just start in 2009.

Duh dude u got some pretty low standards if u think games that score less than 90 are quality. I would never play a game that scored 89

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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The fact is the 360 has an excellent library of games and is still butloads of fun that is more than enough fulfillment and enjoyment for its users... :p

Talal said:
I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014.

in reference to KH3 release date

kowenicki said:

Past performance is no indication of future returns.

The ONE has more exclusives coming than the PS4 at the moment.

Ms bundling kinect 2.0 with every console shows a part of their long term goals. 

kowenicki said:
bananaking21 said:
kowenicki said:
bananaking21 said:
kowenicki said:
Pat performance is no indication of future returns.

The ONE has more exclusives coming than the PS4 at the moment.

it doesnt. it has more announced exlusives. but the PS4 has more exlusives coming. MS has 15 in its first year, sony has 20. its simple math

an unannounced exclusive doesnt exist.

even announced ones sometimes dont exist.

really? so your logic is if there is something you dont know about it does not exist? very logical 

Saying we have 20 exclusives coming in the first year but not showing them is questionable at best. 

Not even the title? not even a concept art?


The new halo has no title, or concept art. Microsoft anounced it for the sake of doing so just so people can put it on lists. Considering we knew a halo title was going to come it is like they didn't anounce a thing, yet it exists. 

sth88 said:
Two things about this graph...

1) It is misleading. This graph pits Xbox 360 and PS3 side-by-side with no mention of PC games, and then goes on to omit a number of games (at least on the Xbox side), presumably because PC versions became available later on. I'm noticing Fable 3 and Alan Wake right now, and there may be others, on either side. In a console vs. console comparison, Microsoft's offerings are more robust than this graph is indicating.

2) Even when we add console exclusives to the Xbox side, there are still clearly more controller-based exclusives on the PS3 side, and many of them are unquestionably high quality games. So why have I not switched over to PS3 as my main console? Because there are a couple of issues that a large quantity of games is not able to solve:

a) Money. Just because Sony puts out more 1st party games doesn't mean I have the money to buy them all, AND still buy the 3rd-party games that I want. Sometimes a 3rd-party game will take priority for me over any 1st-party game that is available at the time. At the end of the day, I wouldn't be buying any more 1st-party games if I were a PS3 owner.

b) Appeal of the games. Many of Sony's high-quality games simply don't appeal to me, or else don't have as strong an appeal as some of Microsoft's games. Out of all those controller-based games on the Sony side, only about 4 or so are games I'd actually be interested in buying (Uncharted 3, The Last of Us, LittleBigPlanet 2, Heavy Rain), and I'd still rather have Halo: Reach and Halo 4 than any of those four PS3 exclusives. And it's not just Halo; Fable 3 and Alan Wake appeal to me more than God of War 3, even though God of War has more impressive visuals and got a better Metacritic score.

LOL, a large quantity of games helps you make better decisions in order to truly get your mony's worth. It aids your usage of money. 

Th3PANO said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Domination where it matters.

Oh dear. If Move would have been as successful as Kinect you would see a lot more games for it too.

Sony doesn't make many first party devs work on move games. So their would have bee no difference.