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Forums - General Discussion - The Super Tuesday Thread

terran77 said:
I hope Obama and Mccain do well tommorow. I'd vote for either of them.

Out of the Republicans running I prefer Mccain. After watching a couple republican debates I wouldn't actually vote for him even if I was a republican. Hes the less of 3 evils. Good thing I'm a democrat the Republicans are so screwed.

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Hopefully Hillary will WIN



Republicans stand no chance after the damage Bush has done.

I imagine its a battle between Hillary and Obama, I don't honestly care who wins.

i think the republican primaries are more interesting, just because the states are "winner take all" So even if I lose by 1 vote in the state of florida, for example, then my opponent takes all the delegates. This becomes like a giant chess game for all the candidates to spend all their time in the battleground states where people are still undecided.

The democratic primaries split up their delegates, i.e if it were 60-40, then i would get 60% of the delegates and opponent would get 40%.

I think the republicans will be Romney/McCain in a two horse race-- Romney will appeal to the conservative Base whereas McCain will reach out towards the moderates. McCain is already considering Liberman as a running mate, which would basically make him a middle-of-the road moderate of all moderates.

As for democrats, I think Barack will probably get the nomination. Hillary is popular among democrats, but she is HATED by the servs. I think Obama has a better chance of reaching servs on the line rather than Clinton.

Of course, we all know the competition will be round-house kicked in the face when Chuck Norris comes in and tells everyone who the next president will be.

I can see Obama winning. He reminds me of Reagan a little. I do not like Clinton at all (although I loved her husband as prez). Under no circumstances would I ever live in a coutry run by Huckabee. I would literally move to Canada. McCain and Romney I would be able to stand.

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McCain is going to lock up the nomination for the Republicans tomorrow. For the Democrats, it's way too tight to make predictions. I'm predicting Obama will come out of tomorrow with a SLIGHT edge, and then sweep most of the rest of the states on momentum. I don't think he'll have the nomination locked up, but he'll be close enough that he can win it with only a small number of superdelegates.

Predictions: McCain and Hilary will win their respective seats.

Opinion: I would love to see Hilary lose but quite honestly I don't think any of the candidates are even close to my views at the moment so I'm kind of stuck picking the lesser of 4 evils. At the end of the day I think McCain is closest politically to me but I just don't like the yeah...I really have no idea who I want to win right now other than that I don't want Hilary to win.

To Each Man, Responsibility

I think McCain locks it up.

I think Obama will end up winning more states, but Hillary will win New York and New Jersey by large margins to Illinois for Obama, and probably California by a small margin. I haven't done all the math, but that should give her most of the delegates at stake tomorrow.

If Obama actually wins California, that'll be huge. Here's hoping.

McCain VS Obama it will be.

Obama FTW!!!!

McCain will crush Romney and become the nominee of his party.. Romney should only win Mass, and even there.. the delegates are proportional. The Republican nomination is settled, despite the protests of the conservative media, although I don't really understand why he is hated so much in his party. The only issue McCain seems to differ from the majority of conservatives is his stance on immigration. He will be tough to beat in the general election.

Its going to be quite a battle for the Democratic side with the two candidates polling nearly even in California -- the biggest electoral prize. Despite what the media constantly tells us, Hispanics are willing to vote for a black candidate... and will be doing so in very large numbers today. Obama will win hugely in Illinois and Georgia. Clinton will obviously carry New York and likely all of the other states. Again, California is the one to watch. While today is hugely important, it may not decide the nomination.