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Forums - General Discussion - The Super Tuesday Thread

Who's gonna win what state, by how much, and why?


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Stephen Harper will win Dakota!!!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Come on Hillary, lose, lose, lose!!! Too bad my state is not participating on Super Tuesday.

Tommy Lee Jones, in Missouri, With the Bazooka!

I think hilary will win the democratic part of the election. She actually has feelings, therefore not like bush when he started laughing in front of a girl, and took pictures smiling after hurricane katrina destroyed new orleans.

Hilary seems cool.


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zackblue said:
I think hilary will win the democratic part of the election. She actually has feelings, therefore not like bush when he started laughing in front of a girl, and took pictures smiling after hurricane katrina destroyed new orleans.

Hilary seems cool.

Wow... by your logic then Barack will sweep it because if we are voting on "feelings" then the "ice queen" will definetely lose.


I hope McCain and Barack do well. I would love that on the ticket this year, even though McCain will lose. If Hillary is on the ticket, I really see that it will be a lot closer election.

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zackblue said:
I think hilary will win the democratic part of the election. She actually has feelings, therefore not like bush when he started laughing in front of a girl, and took pictures smiling after hurricane katrina destroyed new orleans.

Hilary seems cool.

Hillary vs Bush.. Yeah I would take Hillary as well. Hillary vs Obama.. Go OBAMA!!!! My state (florida) already voted. I voted but apparently it doesn't even count. Local stations were saying yes our delegates will be seated but the national news all declared Florida void.

I hope Obama does well. He is my personal choice for president.

I say Huckabee wins the entire thing unanimously among democrats and republicans. The reason?

He is being endorsed by Chuck Norris

I hope Obama and Mccain do well tommorow. I'd vote for either of them.