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Forums - Sales Discussion - is the x-box 720 DOA?

To the real mafoo, do you honestly think the cell is really that good of a chip? Honestly do people really believe Sony's PR to the extent that they think the cell is the end all?


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Gamerace said:
Isn't the Cell a flop? Sure it work's great for PS3, but it's been a flop for Sony otherwise as they haven't been able to get anyone else to buy into it. I doubt it has any future beyond PS3. Besides that Sony is moving away from that side of the business.

As for CPUs they have recently found a way to drastically reduce the size of transistors and they are already working on CPUs that will be many times more powerful than even the quad-cores.

I expect both Sony & Microsoft will get 3rd party CPUs for their next gen machines, and the PS4 will likely not have BC either because of the uniqueness of the Cell processor.

 Not at all, the PS3 success with it, there are some Cell servers out there, and Toshiba has plans to incorporate it into HDTV's, the Cell's potential just hasnt been found yet.

Both the CELL and 360 CPU scale up very easily.

However its more useful for developers to get the same number of cores/CPUs running at a higher clock rate - than hold the clock rate, and just increase the cores.

Much of the difficulty from here onwards is going to come to scaling video cards - and power consumption.

Its going to take a *very* long time to properly tap both the PS3 & 360 anyway - Ninty has by far the easiest upgrade route.

Next-gen will be all about controllers and features anyway.

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what i was thinking shams

controllers, Features and.....


i Predict that NONE of the next gen consoles will be over 300 dollars,

I predict that there will be ONE sku for all 3 consoles as well --ie one version of each console...

I predict that the biggest improvment between all 3 graphically will be nintendo's..which will go HD- most likely to 720p.

Well I dont think Sony will released the PS4 anytime soon. The thing is Microsoft kinda needs too since their technology is older but released a successor right away will jeopardize its current market share and leave 360 consumers mad.

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lenardo1 said:
I predict that the biggest improvment between all 3 graphically will be nintendo's..which will go HD- most likely to 720p.

 Why not 1080p?

Price is exactly why I'm saying that they should just get piecemeal a system from whats available!

Here it is in a nutshell.

Custom = expensive

Using what's existing = cheap.

A wii is basically a GCN that's twice as fast, isn't it? Thus Wii = cheap.
PS3 = custom Cell processor = expensive.

This thread is basically a joke but... I do believe the next generation will see crisis on full settings graphics with all 3 consoles having wii type controllers + a traditional controller + blue ray as it seems it will win.

Passenger57 said:
To the real mafoo, do you honestly think the cell is really that good of a chip? Honestly do people really believe Sony's PR to the extent that they think the cell is the end all?

 All the "PR" I look at is IBM's. I have also read a few white papers from universities that study the possibilities of the Cell. The Cell is by far the most powerful CPU ever used in a gaming console.

Oh, and IBM has no need to tout the Cell over the CPU in the x-box. They made both. The reason the x-box CPU is not used anywhere else, is the power to performance ratio sucks. You would never put 500 x-box 360 CPU's in a supercomputer for that reason. There are many Supercomputers using the Cell as we speak.

I have been a software developer for 20 years, and I am much more a computer techie than a console gamer, and as a techie, the Cell is an amazing CPU.

Shams wins the thread.

Wii and DS have rendered processing power irrelevant...not irrelevant to gamers, of course, but irrelevant in the overall gaming market.