The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt signed to Namco Bandai in Australia
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be distributed in Australia and New Zealand by Namco Bandai Games Australia, the antipodean arm of the international publisher.
Shroud of the Avatar reaches $3 million in crowdfunding

Shroud of the Avatar has passed another major funding milestone as it approaches a second early access period.
Mod trekking: The best Starbound mods so far
CommentIn Starbound, you can dig down to a planet’s core, carve out canyons and build mountains, construct vast monolithic alien buildings and traipse around the galaxy in space-age armour you crafted, so it’s safe to say that developer Chucklefish wants you to be creative. And it’s not just the in-game tools you can use to augment your planet-hopping adventure.
Everything is mutable. Don’t like the armour on offer? There are mods for that. Find your spaceship a bit dull? There are mods for that too. Want more races to play around with? Yep, mods. Diligent fiddlers have, even in this beta phase, put together all manner of new content, and I’ve donned my titanium deerstalker to investigate so you don’t have to.
Valve’s Michael Abrash: “VR will be best and will evolve most rapidly on the PC”
CommentAt Valve’s Steam Dev Days Michael Abrash led the discussion of what virtual reality means for the PC industry. He succinctly summarises the future of VR in 59 words:
“Compelling consumer-priced VR hardware is coming, probably within two years.
It’s for real this time – we’ve built prototypes, and it’s pretty incredible.
Our technology should work for consumer products.
VR will be best and will evolve most rapidly on the PC.
Steam will support it well.
And we think it’s possible that it could transform the entire entertainment industry.”
We’re in for exciting times.
Twitch viewers watched 508% more Dota 2 in 2013 than 2012
Comments12013 was a great year for Twitch. 45 million viewers watched 12 billion minutes of video, that’s more than double the number of users and amount of viewing time than 2012. The biggest winner of last year looks to be Dota 2. It rose to the second most viewed game on the service, with a 508% increase in viewing minutes.
Starcraft 2 2.1 is out next week. Includes clan updates, new levels, and extension mods
CommentStarcraft 2’s next major patch has been playable on the Public Test Realm for almost two months now but it’s finally ready to be released to everyone. Next week sees Starcraft 2 updated with enhanced clan support, extension mods, and other extras like the original game’s soundtrack.

Alien: Isolation – New Screenshots Unveiled
Some new screenshots from Alien: Isolation have surfaced, showcasing the game’s environments as well as the alien creature itself. Alien: Isolation looks absolutely beautiful and promises to be a true horror survival title. The game is planned for release on PC and consoles in late 2014. Enjoy! Continue reading

Skyrim Modder Figures Out A Way To Let The Game Use More RAM Without CTD Side-Effects
All hail modders. After Skyrim’s release, modders released a memory patch that fixed 4GB LAA. This unofficial patch was so crucial that Bethesda decided to ‘borrow’ it and include it in one of the game’s official patches. However, Skyrim had stability issues once players started experimenting with lots of units and higher values of uGridsToLoad cells. Continue reading
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