JEMC said:
I've seen some of his latest posts, so finding that he was the one in question didn't surprise me. He seems to be looking for trouble. |
It doesn't surprise me considering all you have to do for some people is call them out or quote them a few times before they take it personally to an extent where they hound you/ a group of people, especially a group that happens to be a clear minority on this site.
I do strongly feel that if someone isn't interested in the game or the platform then they shouldn't bother with the thread, of course this can easily be deflected back at some other users (which is a weak cop out of a counter argument) but when you've got a site that likes to mention various platforms (this site absolutely loves creating vs topics/debates from thin air) then you're bound to get involved or invited, the case with my thread was there being no such invitation of the like, merely just me mentioning news about a game that happens to be exclusive to PC (for various reasons that are logic involved and not purely based on money/contract deals like a certain other platform makes 99% of the time) and just posted more updates about it.
Thing is though is Zero already got warned a few times with some users that already goaded him and a mod on saying he starts all the fights and needs to tone things down and yet here we are with my thread and then my XCOM one along with a few of Basil's threads, when we try keeping things toned to an absolute minimum you start to see that it's not really the minority looking to cause a ruckus and start fights but the majority, I can't fathom why they do this though with one possible speculation being that they somehow feel threatened or something?. I mean for one thing some here seek the destruction of PC as things are, I don't really care whatever anyone games on, as long as games run fine on my platform I'm a happy camper, which is also to say that I don't seek the destruction of other communities.
Sorry about the last paragraph though, I feel like I went on a bit of a tangent =P
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.