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JEMC said:
zero129 said:
JEMC said:
Chazore said:
I updated my PlanetCoaster thread with two new dev vids, although a user has decided to pop into the thread for no reason other than to sully it =/.

Yep, I saw it and was going to leave a comment, but zero was faster.

Posting on a thread about a game you're not interested of a genre you don't like. The train of thoughts of some people amaze me.

Lol really shows how un interested he was in it xD. If you look at his post history you will see his on a bit of a role atm lol.

I've seen some of his latest posts, so finding that he was the one in question didn't surprise me.

He seems to be looking for trouble.

It doesn't surprise me considering all you have to do for some people is call them out or quote them a few times before they take it personally to an extent where they hound you/ a group of people, especially a group that happens to be a clear minority on this site.

I do strongly feel that if someone isn't interested in the game or the platform then they shouldn't bother with the thread, of course this can easily be deflected back at some other users (which is a weak cop out of a counter argument) but when you've got a site that likes to mention various platforms (this site absolutely loves creating vs topics/debates from thin air) then you're bound to get involved or invited, the case with my thread was there being no such invitation of the like, merely just me mentioning news about a game that happens to be exclusive to PC (for various reasons that are logic involved and not purely based on money/contract deals like a certain other platform makes 99% of the time) and just posted more updates about it.

Thing is though is Zero already got warned a few times with some users that already goaded him and a mod on saying he starts all the fights and needs to tone things down and yet here we are with my thread and then my XCOM one along with a few of Basil's threads, when we try keeping things toned to an absolute minimum you start to see that it's not really the minority looking to cause a ruckus and start fights but the majority, I can't fathom why they do this though with one possible speculation being that they somehow feel threatened or something?. I mean for one thing some here seek the destruction of PC as things are, I don't really care whatever anyone games on, as long as games run fine on my platform I'm a happy camper, which is also to say that I don't seek the destruction of other communities.

Sorry about the last paragraph though, I feel like I went on a bit of a tangent =P


Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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JamesGoblin said:
I see it in bit more positive light, you just ignore trolls (best by test!) while having an optional free bump or two.

Unfortunately, our PC section doesn't need much bumping...maybe this time next year :P

I can sort of see a reason to that but at the same time I also believe there is a time and a place where you take a stand, if you don't then you risk losing your own footing along, if someone is trying to make your life shit then stand up and let them know they aren't going to do anything towards you, some people in this world think they are invincible, especially on the internet and some do need a wake-up call to reality, especially for some on this site, trolling will only get you so far.

Also over time I've noticed that some trolls easily adapt to being ignored because they know they managed to say something that upset you and by ignoring their behavior they managed to get you to to come back at that with a response to which some trolls count that as a victory and for some they would be right because you more or less forfeited any will to talk back, this is why it's not always best to ignore such trolls and it;s why we have reasons to report and administrate such behavior, sites that don't bother with restrictions of any kind aren't really a logical or decent place to call a community in general.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
JamesGoblin said:
I see it in bit more positive light, you just ignore trolls (best by test!) while having an optional free bump or two.

Unfortunately, our PC section doesn't need much bumping...maybe this time next year :P

I can sort of see a reason to that but at the same time I also believe there is a time and a place where you take a stand, if you don't then you risk losing your own footing along, if someone is trying to make your life shit then stand up and let them know they aren't going to do anything towards you, some people in this world think they are invincible, especially on the internet and some do need a wake-up call to reality, especially for some on this site, trolling will only get you so far.

Also over time I've noticed that some trolls easily adapt to being ignored because they know they managed to say something that upset you and by ignoring their behavior they managed to get you to to come back at that with a response to which some trolls count that as a victory and for some they would be right because you more or less forfeited any will to talk back, this is why it's not always best to ignore such trolls and it;s why we have reasons to report and administrate such behavior, sites that don't bother with restrictions of any kind aren't really a logical or decent place to call a community in general.

Ah, but of course - report,  /ignore, downvote, dislike and use any tool available. But reacting directly is just feeding, and that's exactly what trolls are here for.

I know it's not always easy, but whenever you can it's the best thing to do (perfect in combo with the aforementioned tools).


PS sometimes trolls can actually be entertaining and fun, but that's rare. Almost everything I saw recently are "classical" boring patterns, I feel that creativity and humor is lacking a lot in modern trolling.

    CU......or CF ?

If some of you like PC mods, is doing its annual Mod of the Year voting. It's worth taking a look to see the surprising and amazing thing some guys can do.

As an example:

A PC desk (they are quite popular mods on that site)

A truck

Or two case mods

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

I'll post the few news of today (it's holidays, after all) in a moment, but first:

Today is 28th, we're halfway through the Steam Sales and I have to say that for the first time ever, I feel that these sales are lasting too much. With the other ones there was always that bit of excitement over what new games would go on a flash or daily sale, but with that gone the Sales are becoming a bit boring... and tiresome. I've lost count of how many times I've looked at the same games arguing with myself over buying it or not.

Don't worry, Tomb Raider is no longer one of those games. I bought it.

And I already have 10 of the 11 cards! (If some of you have a spare nº 11 let me know, I can trade it for the nº 1, 4 or 9).


In summary, for me these are the less exciting and most boring Steam Sales ever.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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Ok guys, the news!


1-Mods / Fan Remakes

About the Brutal Doom Mod


2-Gaming News


"Always bet on Duke" is something magazine writers would often use as the review strapline for a good Duke Nukem game, but seeing as there hasn't been one of them for ages, I thought I'd dust it off and use it to open this article. (I don't think it quite works here, but I'm too far down the rabbithole to change it now.)



YouTube’s member ‘Vlad4D’ has released a video, showing the visual improvements and performance impact of CRYENGINE’s global illumination technique, SVOTI, in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. As we can see, the game feels more realistic and has more depth (especially in shadow-y places). Moreover, the performance hit seems to be around 5-6fps.

>>This is the video:



Heat Signature, the space-borne stealth game-slash-carjacking sim being developed by Gunpoint creator and former PC Gamer editor Tom Francis, isn't really the sort of game that screams "luscious eye candy within." But the recent implementation of "infinitely scaling vapor layers" has it looking a lot prettier than you might expect.

>>Here's the video:



We don't seem to have mentioned Freedom Planet much on PC Gamer, but you probably already know that it's a Sonic-like platformer, and the Mega Drive-loving yin to Shovel Knight's very NES-y yang. It's a bit of a cult hit on that there Internet, and now a sequel has just been announced that aims to move beyond the limitations of a Mega Drive game.

>>Here's the announcement trailer:



The latest PC UK retail, Steam Digital and Green Man Gaming charts have been revealed and as we can see, Football Manager 2016, Grand Theft Auto V and Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition are this week’s best selling games in UK, on Steam and on GMG.

>>The three best selling games on GMG are all for Mac. What's going on here?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.


Escape From Tarkov is a "hardcore story-driven MMO" that takes place in the Russian city of Tarkov, which for some reason has been sealed off by the authorities and is now a ruined battleground overrun by private military companies and local raiders. It combines elements of shooters and RPGS, and also, as you can see in this "looting and inventory" trailer, looks an awful lot like STALKER.

>>This is the inventory and looting video:



Battlestate Games has released – via the game’s official FB page – some new screenshots for its upcoming hardcore narrative MMO game that mixes FPS/TPS and RPG genres, Escape from Tarkov. Escape from Tarkov is powered by the Unity 5 Engine and will be a story-driven game as everything happening in the game will be determined by the story of either main chain of events or by numerous side quests.



Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a huge hit, and given the proximity of its release to that of Star Wars Battlefront—November 17 for Battlefront, December 18 for TFA—you'd think that some part of the new film would eventually make its way to the game. After all, EA plans to add new weapons, vehicles, heroes and villains through at least four separate expansions, none of which have yet been revealed. Under the circumstances, it's a perfect, and perfectly obvious, tie-in.



It's no secret that I like my videogames to come in boxes. I was thus very happy to learn that a boxed edition of The Witness, the long-awaited follow-up to Jonathan Blow's hit puzzle-platformer Braid, is "likely" going to happen.


Race the Sun developer Flippfly wants you to vote for its next game project, by playing a bunch of prototypes the team has made over the last couple of years, and then picking the ones you'd like to see turned into fuller games.

>>This video explains it:



Chaos Reborn has had a single-player mode of sorts for around a year now, but that just plonked you in regular ol' battles against the AI, or in 'hotseat' battles against your fellow humans. Now it has a proper single-player campaign, which has just been added as part of a massive patch. The campaign offers five realms to conquer, complete with branching storylines, named companions, and other features not, er, featured in the multiplayer mode.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

I'll post the few news of today (it's holidays, after all) in a moment, but first:

Today is 28th, we're halfway through the Steam Sales and I have to say that for the first time ever, I feel that these sales are lasting too much. With the other ones there was always that bit of excitement over what new games would go on a flash or daily sale, but with that gone the Sales are becoming a bit boring... and tiresome. I've lost count of how many times I've looked at the same games arguing with myself over buying it or not.

Don't worry, Tomb Raider is no longer one of those games. I bought it.

And I already have 10 of the 11 cards! (If some of you have a spare nº 11 let me know, I can trade it for the nº 1, 4 or 9).


In summary, for me these are the less exciting and most boring Steam Sales ever.

Even though I'm out of cash according to my bank and have yet to put inb the cash my folks gave me for Xmas tomorrow, I felt that the Steam sales this year were rpetty lacklusture. They didn't give me that "ooh I gotta grab that game, it;s just too cheap to pass up" kind of feeling, instead I just bought what people wanted on their wishlists till I ran dry of money and got a few games for myself but games that remained at least from £15-20 were still a no sale from me (with Fallout 4 being the exception because GMG was giving it out at £26 which was a steal compared to Steam).

Honestly with the lack of flash and daily sales I think Steam sales will just be average type sales, GMG gave me a good sale on Fallout 4 a AAA game that only came out during Nov for £26 down from the usual £40 and Steam was selling it for a mid 30's price, to me that tells me a lot of what I need to know for future Steam sales, this year it was mostly games that were at elast 2-10 years old that were placed at the perfect price for must grabs along with new indie games as well. I do hope that Valve takes notice of this years sales results and fan opinions to realize that flash and daily sales are a good thing to have.

This year was definitely the most boring winter sale for me in a long time.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

That Tarkov game looks really nice for a shooter that's main focus is on mouse and keyboard, I absolutely love the interaction animations with the players hands, the way he opens the doors, draws and pushes objects feels more immersive than most shooters out there and the visuals are pretty nice too, definitely keeping an eye on that one in the future.

Also looking forward to Kingdom come deliverance since watching their pitch trailer nearly 2 years ago.

The mod case awards got me thinking, I wouldn't mind having a desktop table case mod in the future since it does look practical, stylish and space saving to boot.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:

The mod case awards got me thinking, I wouldn't mind having a desktop table case mod in the future since it does look practical, stylish and space saving to boot.

I've seen some desk mods and trust me, most of them aren't quite space saving as you may think.

*Edit* Here are some other table PCs from the same page, some of them of wood and one that folds into the wall to really save space.

Thor D3sk

Cross Desk



Ec-SYNCDESK (this is the one that folds)

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.