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I know somewhere along the lines it;s going to be some of the words some of us end up going with but the problem with that is I also take issue with words others use (like exclusive wars and the wording in those threads makes some come off as smug to me) and yet I am one of the few who will get a lecture on wording (as you have had as well) while the other side simply doesn't and goes on their merry way, whenever I object to their manner/way I simply get called some elitist prick or smug cunt (seriously that TB thread got super ugly real fast) and yet I haven't called or implied anyone else is any of those insults at all.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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BasilZero said:

Also - if you guys are interested in playing Retro PC games - and some that will be removed from Steam at the end of this year but wanna claim them so they will be on your Steam library permanently....I suggest purchasing this..


^ Specifically for the 3D Realms Anthology due to the fact that many games in that collection will be removed for whatever reason.

Damn, son!  I'm definitely grabbing that.

BasilZero said:
zero129 said:

Indeed, many people might not notice them in here so having its own thread would bring more notice to it .


I can make it.


Would be nice to have a "Official" thread again - my last one which was the Anime discussion one got locked up.


But ya'll gotta be active ;(


I'm also gonna put some other infos other than giveaways too like bundles.


So whatcha guys think? Should I go ahead and make it?


Also we should probably get a new PC gaming thread considering Zarx has been gone for almost a year ;(

You are probably the better off person to make it tbh =P, your FF thread although it was tainted a bit, was much better than my last two XCOM threads which died in a single night lol.

Yeah I do agree on making a new official thread, it would not only be a fresh new start but it allows us to change the front page based on who makes the new thread. That and I don't think Zarx is going to be coming back soon if at all.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

zero129 said:
JamesGoblin said:
zero129 said:
JamesGoblin said:
Chazore said:

I kinda want to post a thread on PC gaming is still growing after watching Mush's video but I dunno if I can, I'll think about maybe making a thread like that after Xmas because I'm really not up for days on end worth of debates on why it's not growing or why it's doomed (lets face it those are the two types of counter arguments being made on here anyway).

"Did you jump on PC gaming train recently?" Yes, not so long ago in 1982.

Really? you started gaming on PC the same year i was born? xD

The comp, ZX Spectrum 82, was a present to me and my bro from our uncle. I was 4, he was 2 :)

Thats cool, i bet ye where super excited I didnt start gaming until i was like 7 started on consoles. I guess my first computer would of been the C64 like 2 years after my nes, them tapes where bad ass and easy to pass around but took a frickin long time to load lol xD.

We were jumping of joy, the happiest two puppies in the world =) After that we were fighting over whose turn it is to play - I was using my huge age, size and mass advantage (* cough *4 vs 2 YO) but he also had his dirty tricks such as summoning mom by magical words "MOOOOOMMM!" and crying and screaming and all that (dirty little cheater!).

Needless to say, we suddenly got lots of new best friends coming to visit us, good old times...

    CU......or CF ?

BasilZero said:
JamesGoblin said:

"Did you jump on PC gaming train recently?" Yes, not so long ago in 1982.


Dayum sons - thats way before I was born lol


I got into PC gaming back in 2012 :P

I already explained technical details so it likely wasn't what you were imagining :)

    CU......or CF ?

Around the Network
CladInShadows said:
BasilZero said:

Also - if you guys are interested in playing Retro PC games - and some that will be removed from Steam at the end of this year but wanna claim them so they will be on your Steam library permanently....I suggest purchasing this..


^ Specifically for the 3D Realms Anthology due to the fact that many games in that collection will be removed for whatever reason.

Damn, son!  I'm definitely grabbing that.

Likewise, just grabbed it myself.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

zero129 said:

i know i hope he is ok, he hasnt even been on steam, i somehow dont think he would just leave his games like that.

The worst part out of all of this is that I haven't even spoken to him since I first joined.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

HoloDust said:
JamesGoblin said:
zero129 said:
JamesGoblin said:

"Did you jump on PC gaming train recently?" Yes, not so long ago in 1982.

Really? you started gaming on PC the same year i was born? xD

The comp, ZX Spectrum 82, was a present to me and my bro from our uncle. I was 4, he was 2 :)

Ah good ol' Speccy, that was my first encounter with computers, 1982 as well, my friend got it and we used to hang out at his house all the time...I remember The Hobbit graphic adventure game that came out that same year, you know that old ones with a text parser...few of us were Tolkien fans and we played it extensively, it hooked me to adventure genre which is still my favorite.

My parents got me C64 next year (or was it year after that one, can't remember), and while I still played ZX occasionally at my friends, it was really painful after 'glorious' C64 visuals...people think console wars are bad, boy, they have no idea.

Lol I feel your pain, I felt like PC Master Race best kid in town for couple of years, and then everyone started getting those damn Commodores! I'm still recovering from traumas, my doc says I'll be allright...

I remember reading about Hobbit and drooling over it's top notch graphics on images... all I was left with were regular PvP sessions against my bro , which essentially sealed my fate into becoming incurable PvP MMORPGer, just another hopeless case hooked to that dying breed. But hey, I've seen worse fates!

    CU......or CF ?

Ghost in the shell: First Assault is now out in Early Access over on Steam:

For some reason Steam UK isn't listing the game at all and yet I still have it on my wishlist and it claims it's "not available in your region" =/.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Also it's Nex and I hear bad things about those guys a lot of the time. Charging up front for what will be F2P is kinda annoying as well, especially if you have no intention of giving those that paid something special in return, I remember H1Z1 is currently doing the same only it was handled from SOE to Daybreak Company.

According to PCGmaer it's not that bad of a game but it definitely needs more content which they apparently are promising will be coming, that future content like PCG says is what will make or break the game, if it's less and lackluster content then the game will just sink into obscurity, if not then it stands a decent chance of gaining momentum.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.