I like how there's a page on PCgaming reddit where we get a note from PureDark on his stance of his mod DRM being cracked, and he thinks it's still a win-win for him anyway, despite the fact that Nvidia is getting their official version implemented soon, and there is already a free version of his mod floating around.
What makes that thread sad, is that there are actually people in there defending the "paid mods" stance, and using shitty fallacies like comparing paid mods to free healthcare (which I take great offence to, since my mother worked as a nurse all her life and supported free healthcare and not private, and anyone using that argument with modding come off as scummy anyway).
If you allow for some paid mods, then you eventually allow for them all, as it follows the snowball effect, and before you know it, everyone will start charging for mods and put in low effort, or cram DRM into their mods (like special K, who happens to put tracking shit into his mods to "combat pirates").
Making excuses for practices like paid modding is exactly why we're paying for skins, level skips, weapon upgrades, level boosts and the like today. I really wish those idiots would see the hole they are digging for us, because I don't want any part of it. Modding is supposed to and always has been a passionate hobby, not a "careeer" to replace you flipping burgers at your irl job.