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Chazore said:
JEMC said:
Chazore said:
Frankie just uploaded a PC build based on value for 2016, he had other builds like what we are going to go with and he chose his final build, though he had it prebuilt to use as an example and talks about what games run on the setup and how well.


PC gamer that's quite popular. I was subbed to him for about 2 years now, not as well known as Total Biscuit but he has a sized following and he does talk about PC gaming/performance along with a decent list of LP vids.

Ok. Can you post a link to that build?

We can get some inspiration from it.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network
JEMC said:

Ok. Can you post a link to that build?

We can get some inspiration from it.

I did above in my original post, sorry I am really bad at making the comment first, choosing to edit it a second after to throw in the vid.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
JEMC said:

Ok. Can you post a link to that build?

We can get some inspiration from it.

I did above in my original post, sorry I am really bad at making the comment first, choosing to edit it a second after to throw in the vid.

Don't worry, we all have our own style.

And that is definitely the goal for the 1,300 $/€ - £900 build.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

Don't worry, we all have our own style.

And that is definitely the goal for the 1,300 $/€ - £900 build.

Nice, I was always thinking for a build like that to go with a 970, I mean personally I went with a 980 due to wanting that bit of extra juice but also MGSV for free =P.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

BasilZero said:
Looks like there's discussions brewing about the wording of some of the games from PSX.

Some of them are saying "Console exclusive" which can mean PC ports :O!!!!

Also even though I;m not interested in Battleborn, I couldn't help but feel a little ruffled at how Gearbox tried to play favourite in terms of DLC (Rocket League is also guilty). Found this not too long ago and they seem to be word twisting which is typical:

I honestly find it a tad unfair when PC gets left out in terms of unique DLC, I'm glad Sega gave PC TF2 dlc with Sonic racers along with Super TIme Squad getting Valve characters, if everyone gets their own unique themed DLC then we all win, if one gets it and no one else or two and another is left out then we aren't all winners, they should be aiming to make as much money and good will as possible, not play favourites and earn bad ire from a group or two.

Also Psychonaughts being exclusive to Sony VR sounds like bs since the first was multiplat entirely and tim was all about giving his games to as many plats as possible. I just don't like this gen and it's money hats, it's either done by money or by rep and either way it's irksome and works against me wanting to support or buy their games tbh.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Around the Network
BasilZero said:

As long as we get all DLC  - unique or not - I'll be happy xD

Well yeah if we get DLC in terms of equal treatment then of course I'll be rainbows and sunshine, if not then my money goes to someone who gives me the time of day =P.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

My motherboard turned out to be DOA ...

BasilZero said:
Looks like there's discussions brewing about the wording of some of the games from PSX.

Some of them are saying "Console exclusive" which can mean PC ports :O!!!!

"Console debut" on this one. Color me interested haha.






In other news:

I totally called it 2 months back, I knew this would be the end reasult, makes me wonder how many times until they either decide to care or actually improve because as things are they aren't doing a great job.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

fatslob-:O said:
My motherboard turned out to be DOA ...

Too bad .

I hope you can change it fast and without problems, but that will still delay your build.


@Basil: So what are those games that may be coming to PC? (I haven't payed a lot of attention to PSX)

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.