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Conina said:

I just wondered why DLAA is a little bit faster than DLSS quality in MS Flight Simulator, but looks a lot worse.

Then I found out that I chose the wrong DLAA... "Directionally Localized Anti-Aliasing" instead of Nvidia's "Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing":

Lol da faq


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

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Lmao, EA really digging themselves into a hole with this one:

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chicho said:
JEMC said:

I swear it feels like Intel and AMD always try to come up with the wort possible naming scheme for their mobile processors.

People will probably just say U3 U5 U7 and  U9 . Thtas what inter should have done, Chancge the i to a u and keep everything else the same.

Most will still call them by their "name", not "title". For example, we don't talk about the i9 13900K or  i5 13600K, we just say 13900K and 13600K. And the same applies  to AMD.

So yeah, there's little reason to change both things unless you want to confuse your customers.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

PC gaming is fine, outside of shitty ports that have more to do with publishers rushing to launch its games before they're ready.

PC ports these days do feel a lot more like the jank of the 2000s rather than the good ones we got in the 2010s.

Honestly, last decade was sort of the golden age of PC gaming IMO. Consoles were comparatively underpowered, ports worked well, didn't take too much HDD space, could be, ahem, alternatively acquired if you wanted to, hardware was affordable with Core i5s carrying most builds...






Brutally on point:


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Around the Network
haxxiy said:
JEMC said:

PC gaming is fine, outside of shitty ports that have more to do with publishers rushing to launch its games before they're ready.

PC ports these days do feel a lot more like the jank of the 2000s rather than the good ones we got in the 2010s.

Honestly, last decade was sort of the golden age of PC gaming IMO. Consoles were comparatively underpowered, ports worked well, didn't take too much HDD space, could be, ahem, alternatively acquired if you wanted to, hardware was affordable with Core i5s carrying most builds...

I agree with you.

The 2000s, with the jump from consoles to HD, saw developers and publishers running around trying to find out what to do and how to develop or use engines that could take advantage of the new possibilities. During the 10s, it felt like everyone had found its place and things improved quite a lot, but something has happened recently (the pandemic, like the UE problems with stutters, surely played a role in that, but it doesn't explain it all) that has brought us back to the bad times.

Let's hope it's just a short parenthesis and games go back to be properly made and tested before launch.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
  • Gigabyte has a problem where it applies more voltage than what the system reports.

The Gigabyte problem has been a literal Gigabyte motherboard quirk for many many years now on the AMD platform... I had the Gigabyte 990FX-UD7 that exhibited the same behaviour... And I spent months doing back and forth with their support teams to try and iron the issue out.
Not only was the vdroop crap, but it wasn't reporting the correct voltages which I determined with the multimeter.

It's what eventually turned me away from that manufacturer permanently and got me onboard with the Asus Sabertooth X79, just couldn't trust their boards.

Captain_Yuri said:

AMDs current fix is to limit various sets of voltages to make sure this doesn't happen and not just SoC/Expo. This should lessen the degradation or fully eliminate it but GN believes that there could be more issues because the platform is such a mess as they dug into it deeper. As of right now, if the CPU does fail, AMD will warranty it even under Expo but no one is sure if Mobo will agree to it.

Keep in mind that warranty also varies between products and even region.

It would be illegal to be declined a warranty in Oceania for example.

I would imagine these higher/unnatural voltages are also accelerating electromigration in the chips even if a user doesn't exhibit an outright catastrophic failure.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

haxxiy said:
JEMC said:

PC gaming is fine, outside of shitty ports that have more to do with publishers rushing to launch its games before they're ready.

PC ports these days do feel a lot more like the jank of the 2000s rather than the good ones we got in the 2010s.

Honestly, last decade was sort of the golden age of PC gaming IMO. Consoles were comparatively underpowered, ports worked well, didn't take too much HDD space, could be, ahem, alternatively acquired if you wanted to, hardware was affordable with Core i5s carrying most builds...

Captain_Yuri said:

Brutally on point:

You know what makes all of this kinda a sad reality?.

We actually did have it good back around the mid 2010's, when shit was picking up, and I mean actually picking up.

We had gotten over the jank of the 2000's, the shitty GFWL, and it was a time before console/store exclusivity wars came to the platform (Epic, the company that ironically both left and shat on PC gaming during the 00's).

Today we have:

Game rushed so damn fast, they seemingly take 2yrs to cobble together.

Day 1 patches.

Day 1 motherfucking MT's, because you bet your ass they care more about the MT's than they do optimisation.

Multiple layers of DRM (because that's totally stopped piracy before, right?).

Additional clients/launchers no one in their sane mind asked for (2k/T2/R* launchers for example)

Janky crossplay that renders some of our games into digital placemats (EoS, Epic's "crossplay", because they need to siphon off Steam's userbase, because Xbox scenario all over again).

Drivers that are supposed to be "Game ready", but actually aren't.

STILL seeing ports where Keyboard+Mouse aren't fully supported (in 2023 that's beyond a joke now, it's no longer funny).

Ports that actually cause internal dmg to our hardware (like causing the GPU's to shit themselves or worse).

I know this is mostly AAA shitting the bed, but man, I really do feel like we're headed right back to 2000's era of shittiness (especially with Epic being back and firmly making sure we're to owe something to devs, when it's meant to be about OUR EXPERIENCE, NOT THE DEVS).

I'ma be real, the only "AAA" game I'm actually looking forward to this yr is the new Armored Core, but even that has DRM, and it's FS, so I'm fully expecting jank up the ass. I'm not bothering with bethesda's game, because the gameplay they showed last yr was fully on janky af, and it's beth, so I fully expect a busted game from them, that the modding community has to rush in and salvage. 

But you know what really pisses in my cornflakes?, the fact that this MS vs Sony court case bs is going on, big corps fighting for warchest ammo, while we're getting dicked here, and no one in the courts is bothering their sweaty arse to defend consumer's from getting fucked by super bad quality products, that are even asking for more money and holding less trust in the customer (DRM is a huge culprit of not having any trust in the customer, and I will die on that hill with pride). 

Also the install file sixes are getting way too fucking abysmal now, fuck that noise. I'm not shelling out for more SSD's because some idiots at a studio can't be arsed to minimize file space.

PC gaming isn't bad, and I wish ppl would stop heralding it's fucking doom every time this list of shit happens. It's not the platform's fault, it's the publishers and their shitty greed that cause all this to happen, mostly all at the same time. This would actually stop if the courts slammed down hard on publishers for releasing faulty products that ask for more than £40 (seriously, any higher than 40 and it better be so fucking good, silky smooth and all that jazz).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:

Also the install file sixes are getting way too fucking abysmal now, fuck that noise. I'm not shelling out for more SSD's because some idiots at a studio can't be arsed to minimize file space.

Back in the 90's patches would actually re-write specific files or replace a few smaller files in a container file.

Today a developer will replace everything, sometimes even sound bytes in one big fat package.

Honestly though I haven't really extended past a 1TB SSD, I do however have 30 terabytes of mechanical storage to fall back on...

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

Back in the 90's patches would actually re-write specific files or replace a few smaller files in a container file.

Today a developer will replace everything, sometimes even sound bytes in one big fat package.

Honestly though I haven't really extended past a 1TB SSD, I do however have 30 terabytes of mechanical storage to fall back on...

That's what irks me about today's update processes. There's been numerous times where I've had an update for a game on Steam, and it demands I download far more than what the patches specify, only to find out the devs were so insanely lazy, that they basically made me redownload half if not most of the game, so it could repackage itself.

I still have plenty of space on my HDD, but I mostly save that HDD for older/smaller games, games that don't really benefit much if at all from the SSD.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.