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Captain_Yuri said:

AMD Ryzen 7900/7700/7600 CPU pricing and specifications have been confirmed

PS: Videocardz made a typo, the 7900 boost clock is actually 5.4Ghz.

Overall, much better pricing than their X series. I think AMD got way too cocky with their 7000 series and it really bite them. Hopefully in the future, they go back to their old ways of value first and greedy refreshes later.

The pricing is much better and makes it clear that AMD's Black Friday/Holiday discounts will be the new prices or close. After all, who would buy a 7700X for $399 when you could get a 7900 for just $30 more? And the same goes for the 7600X vs 7700.

Yes, the all core boost is quite lower, but we've seen from the articles and videos with the 7950X running in ECO mode that the performance loss isn't all that big, and those non-X parts should still outperform the X parts below them while running much cooler.

Captain_Yuri said:
Chicho said:

Learn To Cherry pick.


Lol hardware unboxed do try their best with trying to make AMD look good as all 3 are likely CPU bottlenecked with a 5800X3D + Nvidia's driver overhead against the 4090. Especially with Call of Duty running at low settings.

Same games running on a 13900k/12900k which is a faster CPU at max settings + likely running at heavier scenes that stresses the GPUs more:

*more charts*

Wait, Techspot and Hardware Unboxed are the same? I didn't know.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network
JEMC said:
Captain_Yuri said:

AMD Ryzen 7900/7700/7600 CPU pricing and specifications have been confirmed

PS: Videocardz made a typo, the 7900 boost clock is actually 5.4Ghz.

Overall, much better pricing than their X series. I think AMD got way too cocky with their 7000 series and it really bite them. Hopefully in the future, they go back to their old ways of value first and greedy refreshes later.

The pricing is much better and makes it clear that AMD's Black Friday/Holiday discounts will be the new prices or close. After all, who would buy a 7700X for $399 when you could get a 7900 for just $30 more? And the same goes for the 7600X vs 7700.

Yes, the all core boost is quite lower, but we've seen from the articles and videos with the 7950X running in ECO mode that the performance loss isn't all that big, and those non-X parts should still outperform the X parts below them while running much cooler.

Captain_Yuri said:

Lol hardware unboxed do try their best with trying to make AMD look good as all 3 are likely CPU bottlenecked with a 5800X3D + Nvidia's driver overhead against the 4090. Especially with Call of Duty running at low settings.

Same games running on a 13900k/12900k which is a faster CPU at max settings + likely running at heavier scenes that stresses the GPUs more:

*more charts*

Wait, Techspot and Hardware Unboxed are the same? I didn't know.

Yea Techspot is just the website version. Makes it easier to copy and paste their benchmarks instead of taking screenshots of youtube videos.


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Captain_Yuri said:
JEMC said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Lol hardware unboxed do try their best with trying to make AMD look good as all 3 are likely CPU bottlenecked with a 5800X3D + Nvidia's driver overhead against the 4090. Especially with Call of Duty running at low settings.

Same games running on a 13900k/12900k which is a faster CPU at max settings + likely running at heavier scenes that stresses the GPUs more:

*more charts*

Wait, Techspot and Hardware Unboxed are the same? I didn't know.

Yea Techspot is just the website version. Makes it easier to copy and paste their benchmarks instead of taking screenshots of youtube videos.

It's weird that they don't use the same name for both.

Thanks for the answer.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

BasilZero said:

Yeah Cavill got screwed lol.

I hate how DC's movie division is nowhere as well organized as Marvel.

Imagine them with a competent lead (which I hope Gunn can become) - would make Marvel run for its money cause MCU Phase 4 has been worse than the past two phases.

I hate gunn now since he is leaving Cavill out of it.

Captain_Yuri said:

Nvidia is killing the Gamestream service in mid-February

Essentially it allows Nvidia Shield TV users to stream games from their Nvidia GPUs on their PCs to the Shield TV. They are likely killing it due to GeForce Now but those that want to Stream games from their PC can still use Steam Link feature. Supposedly GameStream is better quality though but idk by how much since I don't have a shield TV.

AMD Ryzen 7900/7700/7600 CPU pricing and specifications have been confirmed

PS: Videocardz made a typo, the 7900 boost clock is actually 5.4Ghz.

Overall, much better pricing than their X series. I think AMD got way too cocky with their 7000 series and it really bite them. Hopefully in the future, they go back to their old ways of value first and greedy refreshes later.

I cant believe they are doing this. Gamestream is so much better then stem link but fuck them.

Around the Network

@Chazore i'm not raiding, but do M+ with a small leftover group, whats your aim? if interested i could toss along my btag

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

zero129 said:
BasilZero said:

Yeah Cavill got screwed lol.

I hate how DC's movie division is nowhere as well organized as Marvel.

Imagine them with a competent lead (which I hope Gunn can become) - would make Marvel run for its money cause MCU Phase 4 has been worse than the past two phases.

I hate gunn now since he is leaving Cavill out of it.

I doubt this was just James Gunn's and Safran's decision, but more from the higher-ups at WB Discovery saying the bottom line comes first. And unfortunately for Henry Cavill, he was on the chopping block. WB have been bleeding money for the last couple of years and they have to cut their losses somewhere. And a reboot with a new cast would save them a lot of money in future films. They are recasting for a young Superman so there's that. And for now, it looks hopeful that Ben Affeck will still be involved somewhat being a director for a new film.

Sucks for Henry Cavill though.. he quit The Witcher (because of the shows direction) and then WB Discovery fired him. At least he has a new opportunity with a Warhammer 40K series by Amazon, which should be fairly interesting.

But yeah after Black Adam, Matrix etc WB doing terribly in the box office amongst the other failed DC films, they really needed a big shakeup.

Last edited by hinch - on 18 December 2022

kirby007 said:

@Chazore i'm not raiding, but do M+ with a small leftover group, whats your aim? if interested i could toss along my btag

Well atm I'm on what appears to be a Ger server, because I server swapped from an English one to his, since he wanted to start up a guild, but like a yr later he had a kid and that kid has completely sapped him and his mrs's time away, leaving me with a dead guild lol.

I'm waiting for these primals to show up on my world map so I can farm the motes needed to get that raid tier gear, and I think I'm just gonna wait till the first wing of LFR opens up sometime this week (if it shows up in time). I need this raid tier gear because so far this expac, I have been starved for haste on my Destro warlock, and I'm not the only one in the Blizz forums bitching about this (haste is our no.1 priority outside of our primary stat, followed by Crit, then mastery, and I'm fucked on haste/crit atm severely). 

I also love this lmao:

like weeeew, chaos bolt by a whole 5%, Blizz sure are generous to locks...

I'd kill for an increase in dmg to my Channel Demon Fire, Rain of Fire and incinerate procs, because god damn do I need better shard generation, if I'm to toss out CB's half the time (only time I can toss out loads of them is when I pop my infernal and then each CB costs only 1 shard instead of 2 a pop). 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

The Monday news:


Steam's Top 10

Oh! And today it's SteamDB's 10th anniversary.

Today's free game at the Epic Store is Them's Fightin' Herds:

GOG has several new deals:

Steam has two new deals:

Several new deals await for us at Humble:

And Fanatical has a new Star Deal, two bundles and a contest:


Valve is paying a whole lot of developers to keep the Steam Deck's open-source software going
The Steam Deck is an incredible bit of hardware, but the software that underpins it is just as impressive. From long-running open-source stalwarts like the Mesa graphics driver and the Vulkan API to Valve's own Proton compatibility layer, the Deck only runs thanks to a lot of labour by open-source developers. Without them, the whole thing is just a big block of plastic.
Turns out that Valve understands that, because in a recent chat with the Verge, Steam Deck designer Pierre-Loup Griffais mentioned that the company is paying over a hundred open-source devs to work on the various bits of software that keep the Steam Deck ticking. Valve has them working on stuff like Steam for ChromeOS and Linux, too (Griffais didn't mention macOS though, which makes sense given the way Steam seems to freeze in panic whenever I launch it on a MacBook).


This Warcraft 3 Reforged Mod aims to bring back most of what Blizzard initially promised
InsaneMonster has informed us about a mod for Warcraft 3 Reforged that aims to add to the game most of what Blizzard initially promised. This mod has been in development for a while, and a new version of it came out a few days ago.
Warcraft 3 Re-Reforged promises to introduce actually remastered in-game cinematics, with angles, interface and style closely matching the ones shown at Blizzcon 2018. Furthermore, it will have reimagined maps and missions, with beautiful, easy to navigate terrain, modernized gameplay. Players can also expect redesigned quests and more meaningful events, often influencing following maps in interesting ways.
InsaneMonster also plans to detail and expand the game’s lore, and flesh out characters. Moreover, it will add many references from World of Warcraft.
The mod will also have rebalanced difficulty levels, to make the experience tailored and engaging to each player. Additionally, there will be new AI scripts designed to give opponents a distinguishable personality.
>> Besides the link, the article also has 3 videos.

PC gamers can now enjoy an amazing HD Remaster of Mario Kart 64
Modder ‘AndratVA’ has shared the final trailer for Mario Kart 64 HD, an incredible HD Texture Pack for the classic Nintendo 64 Mario Kart game. And, as the title suggests, PC gamers can use Nintendo 64 emulators in order to enjoy a truly HD Remaster of this game.
Going into more details, Mario Kart 64 HD features a lot of high-resolution textures for all objects. Additionally, it updates the sprites of all characters, making them look similar to the early CG renders.
The end result is a faithful HD remaster of this classic kart racing game. And, since this is a Texture Pack/Mod, Nintendo won’t be able to shut it down.
>> There are 2 videos. I recommend watching the first one to see the improvements, even if it feels a bit exagerated.

Duke Nukem Forever Restoration Project gets a first slice gameplay trailer
The team behind the Duke Nukem Forever Restoration Project has released a first slice gameplay trailer for it. This trailer will give you an idea of what the team has managed to create so far.
For those unaware, Duke Nukem Forever Restoration Project is a restoration project for the leaked 2001 version of Duke Nukem Forever. The team will attempt to recreate what 3D Realms showcased in its “fake” E3 2001 trailer.
The team is currently focused on finishing the polish for the first chapter of the game, ‘High Stakes, Lady Killer’. Moreover, it is working on a plethora of render and engine fixes alike; with many major and small fixes already developed, such as a proper ‘hair fix’ and progress on an entirely new renderer for the game in DirectX 9.
Now what’s cool here is that the DNFRP team has already managed to restore much of the content seen in the E3 trailers and promotional material. Not only that, but it’s working on an all-new story to bridge the gaps between what we know about the game and what we don’t.
Lastly, the First Slice Version of Duke Nukem Forever Restoration Project will release on December 21st. This version will feature the first chapter (which will have 9 levels). Naturally, we’ll be sure to share the download link once it becomes available.

The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project Next-Gen will release in Q2 2023
Modder ‘Halk Hogan PL’ has announced that the first version of his HD Reworked Project for The Witcher 3 Next-Gen will release in Q2 2023.
Now while CD Projekt RED has included the latest version of this mod in the Next-Gen Update, the modder has not stopped working on it.
Halk Hogan PL claimed that the list of changes and new improvements is really long. Moreover, the quality of assets is on a much higher level than you could experience in the last available version of HDRP (12.0 Ultimate).
What’s also cool here is that this upcoming version of HDRP will also work with The Witcher 3 V1.31/1.32. Thus, those that have not upgraded yet (due to the game’s awful optimization issues) will also be able to enjoy the new overhauled textures.
>> There's a roughly 1 min video of it.


First real-time gameplay video for the Unreal Engine 5-powered sci-fi horror game, Project A.I.D.A.
Pulsatrix Studios, creators of Fobia St. Dinfna Hotel, is currently working on a new sci-fi horror game that will be using Unreal Engine 5, codenamed Project A.I.D.A. And earlier today, the team released its first real-time gameplay video.

First-person retro shooter, Selaco, gets an overhauled demo
Altered Orbit Studios has released an overhauled demo for its upcoming FEAR/Doom-inspired first-person retro shooter, Selaco. Among other things, this new demo adds support for gamepads and Steam Deck, and significantly improves performance.
>> There's also a video of the game.

The Witcher 3 Next-Gen PC Hotfix released, is 880MB in size, promises to improve stability & performance
CD Projekt RED has just released a PC hotfix for The Witcher 3 Next-Gen. The December 19th Hotfix is 880MB in size and promises to improve the game’s overall stability and performance. Furthermore, it will fix the overlay issues with GOG and Steam.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

The Monday news, part two:

Volition's Saints Row 4 upgrade was meant to be a make-good, but it broke the game instead
Remember this year's Saints Row? Volition would probably prefer that you didn't, which might go some way to explaining why the studio recently decided to upgrade everyone's copy of Saints Row 4 to its full-fat Re-elected Edition, containing all the game's story and cosmetic DLC and even introducing cross-play between Steam, Epic, and GOG versions of the game.
Unfortunately, that upgrade seems to have backfired, and players now report a myriad of bugs with their new version of SR4. Both the Saints Row Steam forums and subreddit are filled with players complaining of broken saves, crashes, and mods failing to function. It's also received a few hundred negative Steam reviews since the update. If it's succeeded in washing the taste of Saints Row (2022) out of players' mouths, it's only because it tastes even worse.

Final Fantasy 14 fans can't get over its new giant goth mommy dungeon boss
Ahem. If there's anything we've collectively discovered as gamers over the last couple of years, it's that we really do enjoy a menacingly tall lady with goth or vampy energy. I am no different, so when my friend sent me a link to the Final Fantasy 14 site with new information on patch 6.3, the only thing I could do was screenshot an upcoming dungeon boss and say "wtf she's hot".

Take a deep dive into underwater city builder Aquatico
Underwater cities don't have the best track record—it's hard not to think of the lost city of Atlantis, the perils and disasters of Sealab 2020, and of course Bioshock, where Andrew Ryan turned Rapture into a violent theme park filled with psychopathic slicers and giggling vampire children.
But let's give a city at the bottom of the sea another try, shall we? In undersea city builder Aquatico, the surface of Earth has become unlivable (that's certainly easy to believe) so humanity is forced to start over on the ocean floor. And this time, you're in charge. A new deep dive gameplay trailer from publisher Overseer Games you can watch above lays out the various systems and methods you'll use to build a thriving underwater civilization in Aquatico. Maybe the fourth time will be the charm?

This tropical survival game is scratching my Wind Waker itch by adding sailing and mysterious ruins
The kids are all about building bases these days, and while Valheim sets itself apart with nordic flair, Len's Island heads in the opposite direction, presenting players with sunny shores and impeccable vacation vibes. The early access game just got a sizable expansion, Uncharted Waters, that adds new biomes, as well as some slick boats to explore them with.

Legendary programmer John Carmack leaves Meta: 'This is the end of my decade in VR'⁠
As reported by the New York Times (readers may encounter a paywall), John Carmack has left his position with Meta. Carmack had previously been CTO of Oculus, and stayed with the company after its acquisition by Facebook (now Meta) in 2014.
After Carmack's internal announcement of his departure was leaked to the press, the developer published it in full on his public Facebook account, declaring "This is the end of my decade in VR. I have mixed feelings."
>> There's a news article about it on the front page, in case you don't want to go to Facebook to read it. The question now is what will he do? Going back to make engines and games?

Automate the collapse of reality in clicker Antimatter Dimensions, now on Steam
Look I'm just going to say that if you're a processes-focused tech geek with attention deficit disorder and have things to do just turn around and get out because incremental-idler-clicker Antimatter Dimensions will probably eat a lot of your brainspace for days to come and you have work or a family or some holidays.

Climb some psychic crystals and get dreamcrungled in the latest Caves of Qud release
Delightfully strange classical roguelike Caves of Qud got an update today, adding the final region of Qud's late-game and a new stretch of the main quest to go with it. Qud has had lots of updates in between, but this is the first addition to the main quest since the Tomb of the Eaters a few years back.

Make some nice outdoor spaces in this digital toy about gardening
Here's one more for your digital toybox: Garden Galaxy, a fun little game about building cozy, relaxing landscapes by collecting various kinds of environmental tiles, chairs, tents, cauldrons, bushes, and other such garden features.

Collectible tactics game Duelyst is back, and free as ever, in Duelyst 2
Following a successful development period by Dream Sloth Games, free-to-play combination of tactics and card game Duelyst is back in the form of Duelyst 2. In Duelyst players create a deck of creatures and spells led by a general, and the creatures played go onto a tactical grid for positioning-based combat. Duelyst 2 is out now, on Steam, in public beta form.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.