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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: Microsoft cutting 360 Arcade price to €199 in Europe

I don't care about the arcade It is not black take a 100 Euro (damn this keyboard is old it doesn't have Euro) price cut on the Elite then I will be happy.

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Kyros said:
"and then I'm going to intentionally RRoD it "

LOL how do you do that? Cover the air-holes? I think this is a dangerous thing since you apparently often get refurbished old machines from repair. Good luck anyway. BTW it may be possible that the machines that are now on sale are already better but I think buying a used one will still be dangerous for the foreseeable future.

I'm going to close it up in my entertainment center, tape up the fans, and then play Gears of War for 10 hours straight. That should do the trick. 

By the way, if you get a used one built 09/07 or later, you should be good to go. The manufacture date is right there on the console. 

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rocketpig said:
Kyros said:
"and then I'm going to intentionally RRoD it "

LOL how do you do that? Cover the air-holes? I think this is a dangerous thing since you apparently often get refurbished old machines from repair. Good luck anyway. BTW it may be possible that the machines that are now on sale are already better but I think buying a used one will still be dangerous for the foreseeable future.

I'm going to close it up in my entertainment center, tape up the fans, and then play Gears of War for 10 hours straight. That should do the trick.

By the way, if you get a used one built 09/07 or later, you should be good to go. The manufacture date is right there on the console.

I hope you have a good excuse if you have to call the firemen over.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

199 for an X360?... Hmmm, i might even end up having all the next-gen systems in the end after all! ...


@ Rocketpig Falcon's RRoD still.

Today, my 360 died on me. For those of you keeping score, this is unit number 3. A fairly new unit (circa Oct '07)... this is most frustrating. I had been saying to friends, were this one to die, that was it, I was done.

I'm sticking to my statement. I'll hang onto my PS3 and Wii, and my PC. I'm not royally pissed, as I should be, this is a simple business decision for me. I will now show my vote of confidence, with my dollar. I will acquire the system coffin from MS, and when it comes back, I'll test it, then sell it.

So I suppose some of you will be seeing me more on PSN now. Thanks to some information about WarHawk and Unreal Tournament, I'll be picking those up soon. For those of you who have me on your 360 friend's list, I'm keeping the tag, for now (payed up 'till next year). I have Gears on the PC, and probably will pick up a few Windows Live games here and there.

Oh, and thanks to all who lent a helping hand in my last blog. Your information, has proven very valuable (especially with the death of my 360).

Manufacture date October '07.

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Well, I'm sure RRoD isn't entirely gone but that NeoGAF thread is a lot less anecdotal than your personal experiences.

BTW, you said this was your third 360... How did you get an Oct 07 unit from MS with HDMI as a refurb? 

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What about UK, i would buy arcade if it was cheaper = to wii. £200 is to much. for anything except a pc.



Remember Rocketpig RRoD really didn't start becoming a big problem till about a year after release(that's when they openly admitted it and extended the warranty). So I would suggest to wait till around September of this year to see how much the RRoD pops up in the new chip set.

This was not my post it was someone elses but I'll ask him and let you know when I get a response.

But I'm sure Microsoft just circulates them. The one you are sending in isn't then one you are getting back.

There's actually also a confimation that Microsoft will be cutting the price on the 360 in Japan aswell.

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