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I like the additions to the online system. For example, grouping up with people as a party and entering games. I don't really care as much about the customizable characters and apartments as much as I do the additions to the network and I've really felt that way since it was announced.

If things like in-game XMB and stuff come out with Home, then that will just make me even more happier because that's the meat and potatoes of the network we've been waiting for. In the end, I see myself moving around in Home in a similar feeling that I would through the PS Store or Xbox Live or something like Steam for that matter in that it doesn't bother me that it's different (unless there were some things that made it unbareable like a bug).

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Curiosity :

I just hope it is more than just an interface because if it is only an interface then it will be useless :

a 10 sec walk

Time to Work !

I also like the fact that it's a service that can be expanded upon, like I'm not sure how great it will be when it first starts, but man I can see a TON of growth room also. It's got enough to keep me interested in it already, but I can only see a much larger target in mind :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I think the potential is incredible. I am waiting to see how well it’s implemented first.

As for a way to find people to play games with, it’s not that great, unless as soon as you go into Home, you are presented a menu that quickly allows you to find your friends or games you wish to play.

Where I think it holds the most value, is for things like achievements, and the ability to have virtual conferences. As for achievements, XBL, and MMO’s prove how valuable this is to gamers. WoW for example, is nothing more than a big achievement system. You get new armor, a higher level, better weapons, all based on what you have done. It’s, at it’s most basic level, just an achievement system. The better you can make one (and WoW is a great one), the longer people are going to care about it. If completing GT allowed you to have a Poll Position Stand-Up arcade game in your house, that’s a lot cooler than a badge that XBL gives you. This is where Home can shine.

Another place is remote play. If I could put a game never designed to be played multiplayer over the network, and split screen it with a buddy half way across the world, that would be huge. Home will allow this.

Lastly, with Remote Play, they can put on a CES type conference virtually in home. Imagine walking into a conference hall, and seeing all the venders setup (along with a thousand other people), and waling up to a booth showing off FFXIII, and getting to play the Demo, just like you walked up to the booth at a real show. Or getting to talk with the developer about the game. Remote play and Home allows for these kinds of events.

How well they implement the above features is what will determine what I think about Home.

Something that I've also found interesting would be the little games inside of home like Pool, Bowling, or even arcade games. I remember there being stuff that smaller developers can create little arcade games inside of Home which I would assume to be sort of like Xbox Live Arcade?

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I'm looking forward to this, will be nice to have some kind of achievements for completing games in the form of unique items and trophies.

However, i'm not expecting this to be great, as it just isn't worth Sony spending millions on it if it is a free givaway. Unless Sony really can make money off of mass amounts of advertisements.


Devilstation said:
I'm looking forward to this, will be nice to have some kind of achievements for completing games in the form of unique items and trophies.

However, i'm not expecting this to be great, as it just isn't worth Sony spending millions on it if it is a free givaway. Unless Sony really can make money off of mass amounts of advertisements.

 If it cost money, I'd be very upset and I already dislike the idea of paying for permission to play online with Live and also being gimped unless I pay for Games for Windows Live. So I guess in a way, it's a +1 for me as long as it's free. 

Devilstation said:
I'm looking forward to this, will be nice to have some kind of achievements for completing games in the form of unique items and trophies.

However, i'm not expecting this to be great, as it just isn't worth Sony spending millions on it if it is a free givaway. Unless Sony really can make money off of mass amounts of advertisements.

 Advertising is the other thing that worries because Sony has spent millions and there's still the upkeep of it once it's released.  Right now things look all nice and pretty but i have the funny feeling we're going to be flooded with Subway advertisements and the likes once it goes life.

Hmm, about home. It's an interesting concept for a console but it all comes down to implementation. As an answer to the gamerscore system of XBox-Live, it fails. Menus and charts just work BETTER than some VR trophy room. As a community building tool, it has the potential to do things that Live can't.

I DO hope they open up the scripting system for the arcade games so that users can create their own, but I don't see it happening.

It looks like a sterile world with people that look like mannequins. It's like a cartoon that's too realistic. A lot of animation purposely dials down the reality because people are creeped out by it.