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Forums - General Discussion - Music making program (I need help)

What would you guys recommend me getting


Im d/ling, "Fruity Loops 7 Producer and FL Bible" at right now


I want to make some beats and hopefully impress you all.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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I'm currently taking a music technology course at UNO, but we haven't gone beyond "Charles Babbage and the beginning of computers" yet. It's sad, I know, but in a few weeks I should be able to help you with this. Assuming we actually get beyond the basics of how to use a mouse...

Right now I'm currently using the Power Tab editor (hey, it's free), but that's primarily to keep track of some of the songs I write, should I forget them later on. It has synthesizers for most instruments out there, but they all sound like...synthesizers. It's meant to be used primarily for guitar anyway, so it's not like it really matters.

As for anything catering primarily to rhythm, I can't help you at this point in time. :(

Buy a Mac and use GarageBand.

If you don't own a Mac, go for Logic Pro.

Or check out my new webcomic:

rocketpig said:
Buy a Mac and use GarageBand.

If you don't own a Mac, go for Logic Pro.

 Logic Pro support for windows was dropped once Apple aquired it (5 or 6 years ago from memory).


Reason is another program you might want to check out. It really depends on what you want to do.

Really? I thought they still made Logic Pro for Windows.

Guess I haven't paid much attention over the past few years.

Or check out my new webcomic:

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Audacity and Rosegarden. They're free.


Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.

I´m very happy with cubase but I only record my guitarplay and add effects....




stick with fruity loops or try reason

weezy said:

What would you guys recommend me getting


Im d/ling, "Fruity Loops 7 Producer and FL Bible" at right now


I want to make some beats and hopefully impress you all.

 It would impress us a lot more if you didn't need our help...just saying




What kind of music are you trying to make? Game music, sound effects, or just plain music to listen to by itself? 

To Each Man, Responsibility
weezy said:

What would you guys recommend me getting


Im d/ling, "Fruity Loops 7 Producer and FL Bible" at right now


I want to make some beats and hopefully impress you all.

That sounds like an admission of piracy to me.

OT: The eJay series is too creative for me, so I won't pretend to know.