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Forums - PC Discussion - Looking for Silent Keyboard

I'm driving my gf nuts typing on the keyboard all night and I need a quiet/silent keyboard and Mouse

Does anyone have one they recommend? <- I trust vgcharters more then some random dudes website.




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Ummmm, I saw a cool keyboard at a small computer display at a campus bookstore. It was like an iMac computer and the keyboard was pretty much a laptop keyboard, but not in the laptop. The thing itself was very thin and felt frail, but the typing sound was a little louder than the sound of typing on a laptop.

Though I'm sure there are regular sized keyboards that can be quieter than the usual one. I find it funny that the keyboard I use now was labeled a 'quiet key' keyboard, yet it sounds like it's raining when I'm jamming away in an essay or a forum post such as this.


*edit* ah hah, a quick google search and this link has pictures of the keyboard I was talking about. It's cool that it's so small, but it'd feel weird typing on that compared to the thickness of a regular keyboard.

Rollup keyboard is your best bet i think.

The article says they are "utterly silent". And my past experience agrees. They aren't all that expensive either. As for a mouse I can't think of anything special off the top of my head but if its the dragging sound when you move the mouse a trackball might help...if its the clicking noise specifically that is causing problems then I would suggest going to a computer store where you can try the buttons out before you buy ...if they even do that anymore.

To Each Man, Responsibility

You could completely remove the physical keyboard and go with something like:

Never used one of these personally, and to be honest I probably wouldn't like it as there is no tactile feedback (I used a mouse once (was technically broken so I can't link you to a product) with no physical click or sound, felt very awkward), but that doesn't stop these things being a pretty cool invention.

watch die hard 4, they use a cool rollup keyboard in that movie.

plus that movie is really cool IMO.

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Oh yea, they're like a rubber keyboard. I thought that was pretty cool, but I'm sure that's gotta be weird at first to try and type on.

arn't apple keyboards pretty quiet?

you can try an Eleksen fabric keyboard they're utterly silent and roll up nice and neatly.

wiiforever said:
arn't apple keyboards pretty quiet?

 Sort of, they may be quieter than the regular keyboard, but I think they're still a little loud.

Logitech di novo is very silent, I have it and it´s great, it may be expensive or at least it was when i got it and it might be now too.

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