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Forums - General Discussion - The Secret Thread???


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This is just RolStoppable's joke account. Shhhh.

biggest secret ever!!!! ------> im not really me!!!!!!!!! or am i!!

RolStoppable said:
I am actually thinking of a purchase of SSBB.
you should!!!! ;)


carlos710 said:
i love Girl gamer elite!

 thats not surprising

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Nintendo Fan Girl said:
biggest secret ever!!!! ------> im not really me!!!!!!!!! or am i!!

Hmmm.... G...b... ah probably not.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I'm an addict (I love too gamble)

^ how old are you?!?

Another secret!!

i misplaced my pants at the beach one time and some old lady walking by saw everything.

by the way, the 3 secrets i've told in this are 100% true. you guys are the first i've ever told this stuff.