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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Would you buy a pokemon MMO?

sc94597 said:
It could also allow you to have up to 4 pokemon at once but you have to pay a price for each extra pokemon you get other than the original.
I'm not sure I follow; do you mean that a player would have to pay something to be able to have 5/6 pokemon in his/her team.


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SilentWolf said:
sc94597 said:
It could also allow you to have up to 4 pokemon at once but you have to pay a price for each extra pokemon you get other than the original.
I'm not sure I follow; do you mean that a player would have to pay something to be able to have 5/6 pokemon in his/her team.


 So you have a certain number of pokemon out of their pokeballs but are allowed 6 to be with you. To release more than 1 out of the pokeball you have to pay something. 

I love the idea of a Pokemon MMO, however; I'm a little wary of the idea after playing a few of the other MMOs out there.

If anyone has played one before and has ever camped a rare monster then you'll know what I'm talking about. I can just imagine eighty people standing around, waiting for some legendary-pops-once-a-week-but-only-if-the-weather-is-just-so pokemon.

Plus the user base would be super varied. On one side you would have all the ten year olds who know how to use a credit card and on the other hand you'll have older people who grew up with the game like... well... me.


sc94597 said:
SilentWolf said:
sc94597 said:
It could also allow you to have up to 4 pokemon at once but you have to pay a price for each extra pokemon you get other than the original.
I'm not sure I follow; do you mean that a player would have to pay something to be able to have 5/6 pokemon in his/her team.


So you have a certain number of pokemon out of their pokeballs but are allowed 6 to be with you. To release more than 1 out of the pokeball you have to pay something.

So this wouldn't be for fighting.  It would be just for show and being able to have your pokemon visible at all times.


SilentWolf said:
sc94597 said:
SilentWolf said:
sc94597 said:
It could also allow you to have up to 4 pokemon at once but you have to pay a price for each extra pokemon you get other than the original.
I'm not sure I follow; do you mean that a player would have to pay something to be able to have 5/6 pokemon in his/her team.


So you have a certain number of pokemon out of their pokeballs but are allowed 6 to be with you. To release more than 1 out of the pokeball you have to pay something.

So this wouldn't be for fighting. It would be just for show and being able to have your pokemon visible at all times.


Well if the battles are going to be real time its easier to have pokemon out at all times. Edit....IF you ever played or watched somebody play WoW as a warlock it would kinda be like that.


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I would buy a single player Pokemon RPG for the Wii but Nintendo never seems to want to do that despite the fact that it'll sell millions.

Nintendo would have to make the pokemon levels go way pas 100 or else every one would be maxed out and get bored

Nintendo would make a billion dollars off of a Pokemon MMO. Hell, I'd settle for even a true console RPG. Damnit Nintendo, make this happen.

sc94597 said:
SilentWolf said:
sc94597 said:
SilentWolf said:
sc94597 said:
Well if the battles are going to be real time its easier to have pokemon out at all times. Edit....IF you ever played or watched somebody play WoW as a warlock it would kinda be like that.


Unfortunately I have not seen a person play as a warlock, nor have I played as one myself. I guess it could be easy if you were able to see what pokemon you have with you by having them out of their pokeballs, but couldn't it be just as easy to have an easy to see yet small list of your pokemon somewhere on the screen. I would also assume that there would be less of a mess on the screen with a list.

Having your pokemon out of their pokeball still seems to be better for bragging rights over actual functionality to me.

Edit: Unless I'm still not understanding what you are trying to say. 

fallingspam said:
Nintendo would have to make the pokemon levels go way pas 100 or else every one would be maxed out and get bored
Or they could have the pokemon level about as fast as players level in WoW.  In other words, people who have an entire team of lvl 100 pokemon is either very good or has exactly zero(0) life in the real world. (sorry to all those who have 6 or more level 70 characters in WoW, but that's just the way I see it.)