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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why are people bashing wii cause of price?

daactualfact said:
This has been getting me mad lately! People bash the Wii and use its price as a factor. To me, this is a pretty stupid arguement! People need to stop it with this bs!!!!!! To all the people who use this excuse as to why the wii is selling so well, then i have one question: WASN'T THE GAMECUBE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST-SELLING GAME SYSTEM EVER INSTEAD OF THE PS2 BECAUSE OF PRICE??? Y'all couldn't answer that one could you! People needs to stop taking this into account, IT DOEN'T MEAN CRAP IN THE LONG RUN!!! (ps3 still so almost 10 million consoles in 2007! The people who bought it didn't care about price! Lets end this factor in the Wii success arguement!

Who bashes the Wii cause of price?? 

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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gebx said:
daactualfact said:
This has been getting me mad lately! People bash the Wii and use its price as a factor. To me, this is a pretty stupid arguement! People need to stop it with this bs!!!!!! To all the people who use this excuse as to why the wii is selling so well, then i have one question: WASN'T THE GAMECUBE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST-SELLING GAME SYSTEM EVER INSTEAD OF THE PS2 BECAUSE OF PRICE??? Y'all couldn't answer that one could you! People needs to stop taking this into account, IT DOEN'T MEAN CRAP IN THE LONG RUN!!! (ps3 still so almost 10 million consoles in 2007! The people who bought it didn't care about price! Lets end this factor in the Wii success arguement!

Who bashes the Wii cause of price??

 the same kind of people that bought 200 dollar Air Jordans back in the day, were they great shoes?  No but they had prestige attached.  same thing with Alienware computers, yes they are good, but you can build a similiiar system yourself without the added prestige.  there are some people that think expesnsive = great.

gebx said:
daactualfact said:
This has been getting me mad lately! People bash the Wii and use its price as a factor. To me, this is a pretty stupid arguement! People need to stop it with this bs!!!!!! To all the people who use this excuse as to why the wii is selling so well, then i have one question: WASN'T THE GAMECUBE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST-SELLING GAME SYSTEM EVER INSTEAD OF THE PS2 BECAUSE OF PRICE??? Y'all couldn't answer that one could you! People needs to stop taking this into account, IT DOEN'T MEAN CRAP IN THE LONG RUN!!! (ps3 still so almost 10 million consoles in 2007! The people who bought it didn't care about price! Lets end this factor in the Wii success arguement!

Who bashes the Wii cause of price?? 


Exactly. No one says shit about the price. They may complain about the lo-tech that enables it to have such a low (but still profitable) price, but that's not the same thing.


gebx said:
daactualfact said:
This has been getting me mad lately! People bash the Wii and use its price as a factor. To me, this is a pretty stupid arguement! People need to stop it with this bs!!!!!! To all the people who use this excuse as to why the wii is selling so well, then i have one question: WASN'T THE GAMECUBE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST-SELLING GAME SYSTEM EVER INSTEAD OF THE PS2 BECAUSE OF PRICE??? Y'all couldn't answer that one could you! People needs to stop taking this into account, IT DOEN'T MEAN CRAP IN THE LONG RUN!!! (ps3 still so almost 10 million consoles in 2007! The people who bought it didn't care about price! Lets end this factor in the Wii success arguement!

Who bashes the Wii cause of price?? 

lol There was a person on the one thread "The NES is far more powerful and fun to play than the PS3." He was bashing me because of what I played on it and the price >_>


Username2324 said:

AHAHAHAH, So your saying, even though the commercial says it starts at $399, and I can pick one up at Walmart for $399, thats a lie? LOL. Obviously you like to live in your little cartoon fantasy world, and if you honestly enjoy watching Nascar, HA! So, your saying, if you were to go shooting, you'd go hunting, but your against killing, well bro, I have your solution, PLAY A SHOOTING GAME there's no real killing! ITS THE PERFECT SOLUTION! You my friend, are one crazy a$$ hippy, have fun destroying cartoon characters. Why do you even own a console, shouldnt you been out there swimming with the dolphins? Come on man, they are lonely! And those tree's need huggin! Can't forget those, or maybe you could go to the pond and feed the ducks? What about them? Or you know what, I'm sure there is some oil spill somewhere for you to clean up, don't want them penguins dying!

You crack me up, you like Nascar, are against killing a GAME unless of course its a cartoon character, then your perfectly fine with it. What is the world coming to?

P.S. Does nintendo explain WHY the Wii is at $250 when it only costs them $150 to make? WHY don't they tell you that your getting screwed over? 

If PS3 was the price of the Wii, the Wii would probably be behind in sales to the PS3 right now even with its casual appeal. The price point is perfect and kudos to Nintendo for hitting the sweet spot.

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People are attacking the price of the Wii because all of the "Wii is doomed" arguments have, thus far, fizzled and they're running out of excuses for the Wii's success.


fanboy cant use the price as in excuse because isn't the x-box 360 $270 now in the wii still out sells every week so price is not the reason why wii sells so well.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

doesn't seem to be that cheap anymore - I went in Woolworths shop here in the UK over the weekend and they had Wii consoles off the shelf - just Wii Sports, 1 Wii Mote and 1 nun chuck for £219.87.  To compare this the 360 Arcare pack was £189.00 in the same shop and the 360 premium was only £249.00, thats not a huge difference between Wii and 360's.

couldn't believe it when I think back that I bought it on launch for £179.00 - thats unbelievable mark-up. Off Topic though, 5 relevant shops i went into this weekend all had Wii's available - is demand well on it's way to being met in the UK I wonder.


While it's not the only reason for Wii's sales, there's no denying that it's got a lot to do with it.

If the Wii were as expensive as the PS3 and 360 and/or the latter two were cheaper, then there's no question that its sales would be lower. That's just common sense.


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

Price is definitely a factor, look at the PS3 sales after the price drop. It also definitely is not the most crucial aspect. But I recently had an incident where a neighbor was over my house and his kids were playing the Wii and having a blast, and he asked how much it cost, estimating 400 to 500 dollars. After being told it was only $250, he was quite happy and ended up purchasing it for his kids. You'll see the power of price after the Wii drops to $199.99.

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