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Forums - General Discussion - 1 Word Story!!!

I think this game would be fun. It's a game I've know about for a while. Here are the rules:
  • Each person will copy and past all the previous text and add 1 word in bold. Example:
    • Once upon a (previous text)
    • I would add: Once upon a time (Bold words using the [.b][./b] tags without the periods!)
  • You can only add to the story again after 5 other people have posted. This ( I hope) is self explanatory.

I'll start us off!

First word: One

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

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One dude bought weed

(hey thats me) 




One dude bought weed for


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

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One dude bought weed for his dog

Nintendo still doomed?
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One dude bought weed for his dog named

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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One dude bought weed for his dog named Killer7