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Forums - Sony Discussion - [Rumour] Sony recipe for success in Japan. Slim PS3 this fall.

rocketpig said:
HappySqurriel said:
rocketpig said:
I don't see it happening this year. Power6 architecture is just too damned hot and needs 45nm process at least, not to mention a few GPU shrinks (the RSX is still 90nm).

Even then, the power brick would be pretty large for the unit. Maybe in 2009 but I don't think it will happen in this calendar year.

I thought all processors this generation were based off of the Power 3 architecture?

Power6, actually... Except the Wii. I think that's Power5, isn't it? Same tech as Apples' G4, IIRC.

What I said about the PS3 applies to the 360, too. Maybe even more so because of its tri-core chip.

Do you have any link for the claim u make that Cell is based on Power6... cell do take few architectural units from Power6 or u can say other way, but overall they r quite different in their basis and their concepts. and the main central processor is more like G4 variant, this is wot i have read mainly..

but if u have any reference i will surely like to get corrected... But if its based on Power6 architecture even then the general floor plan of the Cell is going to be almost completely different and it may or may not face the troubles IBM Power6 is facing...

Btw while searching for the link i found this interesting link...

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They were able to fool the Japanese people with the Slim PSP, so why the hell not haha. But its going to need a pricedrop to go along with it for it to fool anyone haha.

All I gotta say is shrinking it down is a good idea, however it would lead to a power brick and overall the main unit PS3 will still be larger than the Wii which would lead to 360esq complaints.

Removing the power source from the unit is both good and bad.
It adds extra wires and looks a bit tacky but it also reduces internal system heat and size.

My only thought on the matter other than the facts is.. if it looks anything like the mock up I saw they'd be utterly stupid to produce that. It's looks hideous.. It looks like a wii got flattened and they handed it a riot shield..

Desroko said:
CDiablo said:
Just make another color, or a hello kitty edition, the Japanese will eat it up.

That's what I was thinking. It has to be a hell o a lot cheaper than redesigning the unit. Wait until 2009 for that.


Words Of Wisdom said:
Desroko said:
CDiablo said:
Just make another color, or a hello kitty edition, the Japanese will eat it up.

That's what I was thinking. It has to be a hell o a lot cheaper than redesigning the unit. Wait until 2009 for that.


Lol, I should have bolded "another color" in that quote.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they are trying to get a smaller edition of the PS3 earlier than they did with the PS2. In Japan, it will help quite alot with sales like the PSP.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.



Could we stop the trolling please...

I mean if you have nothing constructive to add to the thread then don't bother!

Noobie said:
rocketpig said:
HappySqurriel said:
rocketpig said:
I don't see it happening this year. Power6 architecture is just too damned hot and needs 45nm process at least, not to mention a few GPU shrinks (the RSX is still 90nm).

Even then, the power brick would be pretty large for the unit. Maybe in 2009 but I don't think it will happen in this calendar year.

I thought all processors this generation were based off of the Power 3 architecture?

Power6, actually... Except the Wii. I think that's Power5, isn't it? Same tech as Apples' G4, IIRC.

What I said about the PS3 applies to the 360, too. Maybe even more so because of its tri-core chip.

Do you have any link for the claim u make that Cell is based on Power6... cell do take few architectural units from Power6 or u can say other way, but overall they r quite different in their basis and their concepts. and the main central processor is more like G4 variant, this is wot i have read mainly..

but if u have any reference i will surely like to get corrected... But if its based on Power6 architecture even then the general floor plan of the Cell is going to be almost completely different and it may or may not face the troubles IBM Power6 is facing...

Btw while searching for the link i found this interesting link...

I really love how many words you cut out by using "r" or "u", but the fact still remains that the Cell processor is based on IBM's Power technology.

Let's play a game... It's called "Queen's English". You post a comment using only words that make sense. Then I will respond. It's not a difficult game and chances are that you will win if you have the vocabulary beyond a first grader.

Okay.... Go!

PS. Any monkey who pays attention to processors realizes that the C377 is based on old IBM technology, the same technology that spawned the Xenon.

If you want to get into an argument about how the Cell was created to be a server processor to massively crunch numbers and how it's not nearly as fit for gaming as the Xenon, I'm all game. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

souixan said:
My only thought on the matter other than the facts is.. if it looks anything like the mock up I saw they'd be utterly stupid to produce that. It's looks hideous.. It looks like a wii got flattened and they handed it a riot shield..

The best part of that mockup is the fact that they have the heat distribution vents pointed down out on a narrow island... Think about it for a second.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Ugh. We'll see. I'm sick of the puzzling tactics of this generations hardware... Not only on Sony's part.