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I'm actually getting really excited for Home...I love the idea of college buddies that I know all across the nation being able to "gather" in my apartment and have chat or play games,, even take a stroll down by the water and play a game of chess or something. The social feature of it will bring another whole dimension to the ps3.

I wonder if they'll have bars? Lol, I'd love to buy you guys a drink.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

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This will be the best selling game ever.

I like the scenery.. except the character style looks horribly out of place with it

Tabsina characters/avatars are suppose to be completely customizable. Hair/face/height/weight/clothes/accessories

i know.. i said the character style (as in the art/graphic style) not his general look

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I think if he had a busiess hair cut, swimming shorts, tank top, sungasses, and flip flops he wouldnt seem so out of place.

How come some people think this is a game and these same uninformed people judging it?

“Home (known more practically as PlayStation Home) is a community-based service for the PlayStation Network.“

Can't wait :D All you haters can go play ur console while we all have a house party. I vote for a VG House party, House Deco comp etc :D Mine will be a Final Fantasy Home :D

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

PooperScooper said:
I think if he had a busiess hair cut, swimming shorts, tank top, sungasses, and flip flops he wouldnt seem so out of place.

 i don't mean how he is dressed, or how his hair looks!! .. the scenery is an attempt at a very realistic utopia..while the character artstyle is a combination of a cartoony style with realism .. what i'm saying has nothing to do with how he dresses or brushes his hair in the morning

I understand what you are talking about. You are saying the reflections off the water and buildings and atmosphere are too realistic for the avatar. Like there should be a gust of wind blowing through his hair. But what I'm saying is if this hipster was in a better environment for the style he is supporting(like a mall) it wouldn't be that noticeable/out of place. He would have a chameleon type effect.(blending in)