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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ok, Is a fact , no SSBB

kingofwale said:
How the hell do you NOT make enough of a game? I mean, sure, you can probably justify console shortage, but GAME shortage? What is this, Nintendo ran out of DVD discs?

 Do you're saying pre orders are pointless unless they come with a free $1 gift?


P.S "I am a PSP owner (of course).. I also own a Iriver PMP as well as an 80GB 5.5G Ipod. I have to say.. 0 complains from me about PSP screen, it's just plain gorgeous.

Also, I forsee 2 years from now, homebrew industry will be able to fix up PS2 games (take out the analog stick function) and be able to port them unto PSP..

now, it's up to Sony to beat the homebrewers to this and take up this multi-million dollar business that would otherwise lost to piracy completely.

I mean, if someone has the software that can play my FFX, FFXII, RE4, DMC3 on my PSP, I'm willing to pay BIG bucks for it."

"Why isn't samus in a mario kart game?"

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Manuelf, how do you know second shipment is 50 % bigger? That would be 750K...

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

The cake is a lie

jlauro said:
Oh it's just a fad. The good sales will stop after Galxy, not after wii fit that will prove it, err I mean SSBB will bomb, no wait....

uh, Mario Kart that will do it. That will show it's all jsut a fad, or no that might do good too... um... yeah, that will be the last one... that fad proof will start after that....


I know you are being sarcastic, but MK never has Brawlesque openings... It has a good start and stays in the top 20 for 1 year and top 50 for 2 and 100 for LTD. Look at MK:DS

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

People should buy No More Heroes instead until the 2nd or 3rd shipments arrives. :)

100% Coritiba Foot Ball Club!

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
i would sell my wii right now for a copy of this game.

 That would be silly...  If you did that, how would you play the game?  The wiis are even scarcer in America than SSBB is in Japan.



I am wondering how they could have possibly not seen this coming. Why wouldn't they put 2 million copies out in Japan on the first day? What, are they afraid they wouldn't be able to sell them and they will have stock no one wants?

Besides for Halo 3, I honestly cannot think of a game that is more guaranteed to sell, and sell big, in its first week.

Every one saw what happened when you make too many discs at launch. (Halo 3) Sure you can crank out a 2 or 3 million real quick but Quality Contol is going to suffer That's part of the reason Nintendo has a console shortage they don't want RRoD issues.

Plus they were extra cautious after SMG didn't go as well as expected it's first week, and given the startup problem they don't have near as many buggy copies out there, many of which will likely be returned or exchanged....

They played it right, plus creates extra hype of the sell outs, etc... As long as they are not still supply constrained after it's been out for 1-2 weeks...

kingofwale said:
How the hell do you NOT make enough of a game? I mean, sure, you can probably justify console shortage, but GAME shortage? What is this, Nintendo ran out of DVD discs?

they should've shipped over 1 million copies in Japan (first shipment), and 2 million for NA.

After all, their own loyal fans will be the one suffering, having to pay close to 100 bucks for a game is a crime.

I think they ended up doing some late work on the game.  Remember: this is a game that was just delayed for North America.  It's probably the case that Nintendo wanted to get this game out on time, but ended up with a few days too few to produce it.  You can pump out a million copies on a weekend.

And look: Nintendo got 500k-600k first day, and managed to get it up to 1 million in the subsequent couple of days.