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Forums - PC Discussion - Command & Conquer: Tiberium

my neighbor down the street worked at westwood and i think he might be doing something in the game but i dont remember he also did work on LoTR battle for middle earth for EA and C&C Teribium Wars plus all the old westwood games

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makingmusic476 said:
Mummelmann said:
Omac said:
My favorite Westwood title was Lands of Lore, great game from a great company. Tiberium looks good, but I would have to see more.

Lands of Lore along with Ravenloft: Stone Prophet stand among the best rpg's in history in my book, and were the two titles that really got me into PC gaming along with Warcraft!

Westwood has shown their mettle in several grade A titles and deserve more than to produce slodge under the yoke of the most bland developer in the world (EA) in my honest opinion!

I thought Westwood had been disbanded, which is why all the C&C games after RA2 have sucked, and why the WW name isn't on the box of the newer C&Cs?

 some might have disbanded but most just continued to work for EA