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Forums - Gaming Discussion - More (interesting) Dancing Queen and Skater Boy rumors

rumors rumors everywhere but not a solid piece of information.



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Everything sounds reasonably likely, although I still think KH3 will be on a Playstation, and there will be a whole new series for the Wii/DS.

KH3 coming to Wii exclusively?

I lol'd

DMeisterJ said:
KH3 coming to Wii exclusively?

I lol'd

If the rumors are true that Disney wants Kingdom Hearts to be released for the Wii than this would be the likely outcome ...


I say that about half of those rumours will come true, but those two guys actually know nothing more than we do.

Most of those rumours would be great, but are to be expected to a certain degree, so it's nothing than logical thinking that some of those will come true.

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