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Forums - Sales Discussion - Yay for No More Heroes!

bigjon said:
Never say never for 1 million, this is the kind of game that has potential to catch on... It is a very good game, Legs should be decent if UBI decides to advertise it.

 How about extremely extremely unlikely then?

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I still believe No More Heroes gonna have legs and gonna reach 500K soon. Man I love this game.
Anyone knows the sales of Killer 7 on both GC and PS2?

100% Coritiba Foot Ball Club!

I still need to buy No More Heroes before Brawl releases.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

thekitchensink said:
heringerbr said:
Endless Ocean bombed hard though. :(

I bought it ...

Is it good?  Its on my maybe list...


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heringerbr said:
Endless Ocean bombed hard though. :(

How do you figure?


If you were expecting people to line up like Halo 3 then sure it bombed under those expectations. But when you realise the type of game it is and the type of audience it appeals to it should be immediately obvious that the game is going to do the vast majority of its sales after the first 10 week launch period.


It very well may bomb still but the first 10 weeks aren't really going to say much about how much it ultimately sells. Its just not the type of game people line up for..never was intended to be either.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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heringerbr said:
Endless Ocean bombed hard though. :(

 That doesn't suprise me, my local gamestop didn't have a single copy the day it launched and I don't mean they had some and sold out they didn't recieve any at all period. Which means if I really did want to buy it I couldn't have gotten it from them. Poor marketing