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And the 360... right? Or are you that blind?
And the PS3... right? I mean, CoD4 and AC are both almost 2 million sellers

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People say stuff to you because you troll. That's why you get "attacked". Because you ask for it.

Seriously GGE if youre this bitter about it, you should just leave the topic. Youre make a really bad effort to make this look bad.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

Girl Gamer Elite said:
Really Kber? Then why are third party developers only making money off of the Wii?

lol... Yeah, third party makes money only on Wii. Go and check the list of million sellers both for PS3 and X360.

Best third party game for Wii:

Mario & Sonic - 2,98

Guitar Hero III - 1,55

Red Steel - 1,04 

Best third party multiplatform games (PS3/X360) - just few new games

Call of Duty 4 (2,18 + 4,49 = 6,67) - I have no idea if ioi fixed the numbers

Assassin's Creed (2,05 + 3,25 = 5,30)

Fifa 08 (1,08 + 1,00 = 2,08) 

Earth to GGE Be aware games for PS3/X360 cost more than Wii's ($59,99).


@ Kber

Thank you. I didn't feel like pwning her twice in one thread.

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A game doesn't need to sell a million to make a profit on the Wii. I also like how you left out Resident Evil Kber, cherry picking so soon?

So tell me, who do you think made a bigger profit? Ubisoft off of Assassin's Creed? or Capcom off of RE4?

How much a game sells doesn't mean a profit unless you know how much it cost to develop it. And even if one or two games make profits, are they enough to set off the losses of other titles on those consoles? You see everything in such simplicity of black and white. How much a game cost and how much it sells are only two factors in a much larger equation.

If I was bitter, my language would be much different. I may be snide and rude here, but I'm also quite confident. :)

DMeisterJ said:
Ahh... GGE Guess you couldn't stay away long huh?

And I guess you finally decided to find a way to spin this negatively...

I'm so proud of you, I knew that you'd come here and find something negative to say about it. So all you can do to try to act like this hasn't happened is go to rumor and specualtion that they've sold warehouses to make profit. That's nice. Well if you actually look at the report, you can see that money was made off of all three systems, not by selling warehouses and whatnot. It was 5 million + for the PS2 and PSP, and 4.5 million for the PS3. That's where they made their money. And obviously over strong software sales from Uncharted especially, because it's first party, but CoD4, and Assassin's Creed.

 Where did you see this? I must have missed it, direct quote please?

Girl Gamer Elite said:

A game doesn't need to sell a million to make a profit on the Wii. I also like how you left out Resident Evil Kber, cherry picking so soon?

So tell me, who do you think made a bigger profit? Ubisoft off of Assassin's Creed? or Capcom off of RE4?

How much a game sells doesn't mean a profit unless you know how much it cost to develop it. And even if those games are profits, are they enough to set off the losses of other titles on those consoles? You see everything in such simplicity of black and white.

If I was bitter, my language would be much different. I may be snide and rude here, but I'm also quite confident. :)

Your "language" doesnt require to reflect that, the content of youre replies speak higher volumes :).

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

*Quitelty Ignores GGE*

*Turns to high-five kber*

Talks about GGE: It's really so sad when people are bitter because the company someone hates does well. Then, instead of being happy, they have to try, and I mean really try, to find some bad news about it. And when they can't they resort to rumors and specualtion as to how they made profit, and when that doesn't work, they have nothing left. So they change the conversation from profits of a company, to third party sales, which have nothing to do with that company, except for the game being on their platform. And when that argument eventually ends, because it's baseless, it just shows a bitter individual, who has to go into a corner of thier home and cry, because they couldn't make everyone else's day as bad as theirs. Sad really.

And now you're reduced to cheerleading one another and trying to counter-troll me. If I was so wrong in what I'm saying, then why is your reaction so hostile? Meister, do I detect immaturity in your post? I never thought I could bring you to such a level with what you claim to be "sad" and eroneous claims. hehehehe.

I never knew someone so bitter as myself could be so content at the same time. Did I plant the seeds of doubt in your minds? No. Those seeds were already there, this celebrating is just your attempt to try and keep them from growing anymore.