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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Look at the lines for SSBB! (Famitsu Coverage of Launch)

I expect DMC4 sales to taper off quickly like HSG5 and Gundam Musou. SSBB will fade eventually but should pick up again during Golden Week.

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Golden week? What? I can't think of anything comming up except Valentine's day, and it surely can't be that, can it?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Golden Week is a Japanese holiday in April. A lot of parents buy gifts for their kids during the holiday.

Okay, I see it now. 1st april the sales were 200k, then it slowly builds up and at 31st it was 400K, in 2007. Then it stays 400K ish + before it 2 weeks later drop down to 200k.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

ssj12 said:
im pretty sure the line is probably split 60/40 for SSBB and DMC4.



Try 95/5

Always trying to work a Sony victory in their somehow, lol!

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melbye said:
Astrodust said:
I think these lines have something to do with Famitsu giving Brawl a perfect score. It will be very interesting what this game scores in NA. Any predictions for IGN's score?










"The Director of God of War 3 says SSBB's story is vapid and painfually simple."


I can't wait for people's reactions to this game, lol.