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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you do during the credits?

I sit impatiently, contemplating what I'm doing with my life.

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gebx said:
Clean the dishes before the miss's gets home from work/gym


Depends if its a good game or not. If its good the its a case of 'Bugger its finished'. If its a crap game then its usually 'Thank fuck thats over'.

I try to skip them if I cant i just watch them bordly.

I try to skip them if I cant i just watch them bordly.

I used to smoke a cigarette, but now I've quit, so I just watch them. You never know.. there might be something important in them!


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I stare at the screen in hope that there will be more game after the credits.


Parokki said:

All of the above.


ROFL!!...just imagine that.




I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

