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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you do during the credits?

Ok this might sound stupid but whatever:

When the game is done and the credits roll in, what do you do?

I personally just smoke a cigarette and try to see if there are any funny names (especially if it's a japanese game). Only if a game really was just incredibly outstanding will I give complete attention to it (for example any Metal Gear Solid game...)(...and Portal! that made me laugh from start to end!)...
I hate it when they have extra gameplay after the credits (im looking at you Cod 4) because maybe im just minding my own buisness and BAM new level!  

Oh well whatever, so (again) what do you do?

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I pay attention and read them. If it is a Japanese game I look for Western names or just interesting stuff. Plus, I want to see if anything gets unlocked after that.

I only look at them if there is an animation or something...

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When i look out there it makes me GLaD I'm not you :)

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I read them of course. lol

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It's not that obvious actually... how many people actually sit thorugh all the credits during a movie? I don't
In gaming sometimes something extra comes out of it and thats why i keep it on... but i don't neccecairly reed them... especially since us european have to read all the localization credits too... which add even more to the credits

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It depends. If the game's ending was epic, I sit through the credits and let the music wash over me while I cool down from the adrenaline rush. If it wasn't, I skip them or do something else while waiting for them to finish.