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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SURFER GIRL: New collection of rumors & info - all platforms

No one has this many inside sources. Surfer Girl is completely full of crap.

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rukusa said:

For the Wii:

Not much here people kept asking her about the Zelda spin-off so no concrete info or surprises.


For the PS3:

- Star Ocean 4 is PS3 exclusive.

- Quantic Dream is currently attaching themselves to the PS3, Heavy Rain stays PS3 exclusive.

- Shes not being firm on FFXIII coming out this year in Japan, but the possibility is there.

- Tekken 6 stays PS3 exclusive.

- Kingdom under fire sequel will hit the PS3 platform ... if I read right.


For the 360:

- Dead Or Alive 5 will be 360 exclusive.

- Team Ninja has no other games in developement apart from Ninja Gaiden 2 and Dead Or Alive 5

- Rare is working on 3-5 projects (including DS & XBLA - not sure if I got this right)

- Bioshock Sequel/prequel will be 360PC exclusive.

- impressions from Splinter Cell: Conviction : its good.

- Microsoft has not cut any deal with Capcom on any game; as in getting timed exclusives or/and such.

- Gears of War 2 storyline fails to impress, or the way she puts it: "It has a really bad storyline".


Multiplatform and Other notes:

-Konami is working on a Castlevania game that is PS360... but may end up being PS3 only.

-The Marvel MMO is definitely cancelled.


Seems like some lame list of likely to be true things to garner credibility.  Like a fortune teller.

Only risk really seems like Tekken 6.

She is so dumb. She posts things that will probably be true, then get's credit for it. Tekken 6 is PS3 exclusive. Well duh! The first five were PS exclusive, and even the PSP got some love, why wouldn't this one be. Next thing, she'll be telling us that Killzone 2 is exclusive, or wait, Resistance 2, maybe even the next Uncharted? Wow. I am a psychic.

I dont think you guys get it... what I did was collect all the Answers she gave in her Q&A/comment section.

Some of you really sounds ridiculous when you knock her down for what people ask her about.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

Come on, everybody can make those "predictions" just by applying reason, or doing a little bit of reasearch on official websites :

For exemple, Heavy Rain being a PS3 exclusive is no news at all how could it not be when Sony is funding this game ?

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Riot Of The Blood said:
kingofwale said:

Tekken 6 vs DoA.. hmmm, I'm going to go with Tekken


Rumours sells like bulls**t to me.

I would take Dead or Alive any day.

Seriously? DoA is pretty much the same as Virtua Fighter, and Tekken sh*ts on both of them from a great height (so does Soul Calibur, although it's still nowhere near Tekken).

Didn't SG say a couple of weeks back that Splinter Cell was supposed to be sh*t? I guess s/he's got all bases covered on that one! The stuff about Rare has already been widely reported, and most of the rest is just safe bets. Except for the Bioshock 2 bit. That would be a bit of a surprise given that it didn't sell as well as it really deserved to on 360 (don't know about PC sales).


I dont think you guys get it... what I did was collect all the Answers she gave in her Q&A/comment section.

Some of you really sounds ridiculous when you knock her down for what people ask her about.

I don't think we're knocking her for the questions people ask her. We're knocking her for the answers she makes up to those questions.

She's a compulsive liar. I hope she's just a bit young and this is an attention grab, otherwise she's got to be seriously pathological.

It's SurferGirl, so I'm not believing any of this.

However, some of them could be true. I've had a feeling that Quantic dream is becoming like Insomniac, Ninja Theory, etc. They are being heavily supported by Sony, and I think that they are on their way to become full 2nd party by the looks of it.

As for the Konami/Castelvania rumor, Konami does seem to be the one Japanese developer that still has some love left for Sony, so it could happen.

"GoW2 bad story"

LOL it can't be as bad as the first story... or the lack of a story.

PooperScooper said:
"GoW2 bad story"

LOL it can't be as bad as the first story... or the lack of a story.

To be honest I believe its true.

yeah, yeah... in b4 being blamed for having something against Gears.

I saw the walkthrough on youtube and considering the manuscript author (Sarah O'connor) is a pro, the story came of quite inchorerent.

I hear she managed much better on Bioshock though.

She wrote the storyline for both.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.