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i would take the 360.s power brick back to cavmen, it would be an improvement over their rudimentary hunting weapons haha

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i'd go back exactly 1 year when i was feeling hopeless about finding a wii and tell myself to not buy a 360 cause you'll find a wii in august and will be the only console you will want to play. such a waste of money for me. well at least i didn't let myself get suckered into a ps3.

Faxanadu said:
fkusumot said:

I would take a DS, a copy of Brain Training and go back a 120 years to Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. Then I would give it away to some kid on the street.

didnt get the meaning of that. why exactly Ulm? your ancestors from there?

 einstein was born there.

cebrian said:
i would take the 360.s power brick back to cavmen, it would be an improvement over their rudimentary hunting weapons haha

 dont do that! the cavmen wouldnt invent fire cos the 360 acts like a radiator!!!


Consoles I own: Dreamcast, PSP

sc94597 said:
Faxanadu said:
fkusumot said:

I would take a DS, a copy of Brain Training and go back a 120 years to Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. Then I would give it away to some kid on the street.

didnt get the meaning of that. why exactly Ulm? your ancestors from there?

einstein was born there.

 thanks, had no idea about that. i guess kind of embarassing...

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fazz said:
I would take a Wii back to 1983, show it to Miyamoto and tell him: "This is the future of videogames, you must be sure to make this the best thing in videogames ever"...

Thinking about it, that would be unnecesary :)

Maybe you DO do that in the future, and it is what causes the Wii to be invented in the first place!  You're the cause of Nintendo's success!!1!

I would never want to go back in time.  There are too many good games being released these days so I'd be bored out of my mind.

If I did go back in time though, I'd take an almanac, not a handheld (though a NDS would be nice to play as I conquered the world).

I would take a PS3 back to the beginning of Sony's history, tell them to master the process of building it, and release it along side the 360 at an absurdly low price.

I'd take the Virtual Boy to the head Nintendo in '91 and tell them...

"Some time in the near future you will have 2 systems made simulatneously and this is one of them,*points to Virtual Boy*.
Although Gunpei Yokoi is a legend and great man, DONT release the Virtual Boy. Please, just listen to what the fuck im saying and you will thank me later and Mr. Yokoi san wont be treated as an outcast which he so did not deserve."

Ya. Apparently nintendo had a really cool system they decided not to release because they thought Virtual Boy was gonna be the Siznit...oh bad business move.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I would take the Wii back to Nintendo in 1983, just after the release of the Famicom. While I was there, I would make a ton of money betting on sporting events, put it in the bank, and be super rich when I came back.