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Forums - Gaming Discussion - DS described as "flop"

^so ur arguing that DS is only more profitable cause it's not a console?

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highwaystar101 said:
The_vagabond7 said:
I fail to see this person's intelligent aspect.

He knows the course material very well, and is very logical (sometimes). He has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the film making and television industry.

But outside of that he makes up bullshit and thinks he's right about things he knows nothing about

Let me preface by saying this might not be the case but I am pointing it out for you to be aware of.


With that out of the way - Some folks know a lot about one or two subjects and by gaining credability in the areas they do know they feel pressured to provide answers in other areas...the result is taking guesses and claiming them as factual knowledge about other topics. That might be why he gets tripped up with the console stuff and it could very well be the case for some of the things he says that you don't know very much about yourself, thus you take his confidense at face value etc...

Doesn't make him a horrible person, he just doesn't know how to qualify things by saying "I would think it works like this..." or finish by saying "...thats how I think it works." etc... I know people who do this all the friggin time...and tbh I've cought myself doing it before as well.

Just something to keep in mind and watch for. It can be very emberassing to repeat what someone else said on a subject (something they sounded confident about) and then find out later they were talking out their ass.

PS - Whats with saying "propa" instea of "proper"? Isn't the idea of college to get a good education and not to degrade the one you have? I don't have a crusade for proper english or anything but it just seems like the only point is to convey to anyone listening how much of a "thug" or "gangsta" you think you are.....and to my knowledge neither of those classifications involve a college its rather contradictory imo. At the very least I would never say something like that while in a class =P

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