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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is your favourite "arty" game?

Indeed. Didn't they make Panzer Dragoon as well? I haven't played Panzer Dragoon at all, does Orta work on the X360?

Edit: I looked up a bc-list for the x360 myself so I don't have to ask about every game, and Orta is on there. I'm feeling more and more like getting a Xbox 360.... Maybe Orta is harder to come by than Jet Set Radio Future though.

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kingofwale said:
I'd have to go with FFXII, you can't argue the art-direction in that game.

 I agree, generic fantasy with lady boys is an awesome art style. 

We were talking about Typing of the Dead earlier, I just read an announcement that Sega is releasing English of the Dead for DS this spring. Apparently you shout english words into the microphone.
I wouldn't call this game 'arty', but the idea certainly is...different.