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Forums - General Discussion - My brother beat somebody up. Lesson learned? (explicit/not for children)

weezy said:

What if the guy had a knife or something?

Yes, weezy, what if the guy did have a knife?  What if they both had knives?  What if they had guns?  What if their gun-toting friends were waiting around the corner unbeknownst to you and your brother?  What if police officers were watching unbeknownst to you?  What if, right after you finish reading this post, officers knock on your door with a warrant for your arrest?  What if a personal injury attorney knocks on your door?

We talk on this site about mature games for mature gamers.  It may be fun to beat passersby with a baseball bat in Liberty City, but this is real life.  I'm glad that you and your brother were lucky enough to prevail in that altercation and escape unscathed, but is it worth risking your well being because some young punks are calling you names?  I hope that if your brother is in this sort of situation again, he will display real life maturity by smiling and saying, "sticks and stones, man, sticks and stones."

There are times when fighting is the best solution, there are times when violence is the answer; this doesn't seem like one of those times.  Let cool heads prevail.

However, having said that, I'm glad those two jerks got the thrashing they so richly deserved.

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DaSimkin said:
This story sounds stupid fake.

And if I want to call everyone of you a stupid mother fucking fucking super star gay idiot that can't even finish Heavenly Sword without, that does not mean I deserve to get beat up.

There is a world of difference between saying something and hitting someone.

If this story was true, the brother would have been a TOTAL MORON for not just ignoring them and walking away. I mean, he went back fuming mad because the guy said he was a pussy? Why does he care what some asshole says, why would he go back there and start something. Now I know he didn't hit first, but he was already out of there. There was no reason to go back.

I swear, if anybody calls me "stupid mother fucking fucking super star gay idiot that can't even finish Heavenly Sword without," I'd be laughing too hard to attempt any sort of retribution whatsoever.