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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The true History of Kirby

Another kick ass Kirby.

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That is so cool having a Nintendo character named after you. Thats my best dream come true.


It really is an honor. I actually helped Nintendo out of a jam some years ago, and well, long story short, My Real name....Slippy Toad.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

It's like Mario was called after the landlord of the Headquarters of NOA in the 80s

Really, if they had to name a Nintendo character after me, why Kirby? Why a pink ball that floats and swallows??? WHY????????

Imagine a Pokémon or something being named after you. Kinda awkward, eh?

I drink your milkshake.