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Forums - Sales Discussion - what site should i buy my 20 ntdoy shares off

where did you guys buy from???

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I use fidelity and it works well.

I use scottrade.

in any way, you should really buy them now since they were down 10% the other day.

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i am trying but all the websites make you mail them in forms which will take too long.

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I don't know what the situation is in the US but it takes an age to buy shares for the 1st time in the UK. They get you to fill in a ton of forms, check your identity etc (takes a few days) by which time the shares you wanted to grab have gone back up again.

ferret1603 said:
I don't know what the situation is in the US but it takes an age to buy shares for the 1st time in the UK. They get you to fill in a ton of forms, check your identity etc (takes a few days) by which time the shares you wanted to grab have gone back up again.

EXACTLY!! you hear me loud and clear. i wanna capitalize off this dip but by the time i mail all these forms and cross the t's and dot the i's it will be at least a week and prices will be up enough that it will be pointless with all the fees. oh and btw i dont live in the us im in canada.

If you’re seriously interested in the stock market, you’re going to have to do all the forms and stuff eventually, so you might as well get it over with. If you’re worried about the price going up while stuff is being processed, it might be worth going to see a broker in person, especially if you can find one affiliated with a firm that offers web trading so you can use that in the future. By going to see someone in person, you can get some of the paperwork stuff out of the way quicker, and more importantly, you may be able to lock in the current price while things are being processed if there’s anything that can’t be cleared in the office. Not all firms do it, but some will buy the stock for you and simply sell it to you at whatever price they bought it at after all the forms are cleared. Of course, if for some reason you’re ineligible to purchase the stock, they will sell it. And if the price has gone down, you are responsible for the difference (and if it went up, they keep the profit).

Well, a few weeks ago I was in a hurry to buy some shares, and I ended up having to wait due to the application process. Turns out it was for the best, since they're much cheaper now.

I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if I were you...

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slacker164 said:
If you’re seriously interested in the stock market, you’re going to have to do all the forms and stuff eventually, so you might as well get it over with. If you’re worried about the price going up while stuff is being processed, it might be worth going to see a broker in person, especially if you can find one affiliated with a firm that offers web trading so you can use that in the future. By going to see someone in person, you can get some of the paperwork stuff out of the way quicker, and more importantly, you may be able to lock in the current price while things are being processed if there’s anything that can’t be cleared in the office. Not all firms do it, but some will buy the stock for you and simply sell it to you at whatever price they bought it at after all the forms are cleared. Of course, if for some reason you’re ineligible to purchase the stock, they will sell it. And if the price has gone down, you are responsible for the difference (and if it went up, they keep the profit).

I called a broker today and was shot down when i said i only wanted to spend a grand for now. He said with all the fees and exchange fees there was no point. wtf?