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Forums - General Discussion - Help Me R&C TOD

im suck how the fuck do u do.. For Planet Fastoon. Explore The lombax city... Wtf when your clank with them 3 little people WHAT DO U DO??? HELP ME!

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You need to get them to come with you!

Go near them and then choose the 'power' that clank can do... After that point it becomes obvious what to do :D

The game is amazing, i'm planning on playing the game through again on hard :D

thank u i was about to do that.. buyt one fell threw the floor

No problem! I think you only need two of them to open the door that comes later, and if you need more there will be some more on the way that you can get to come with you :D

shit shit help they wont follow me

Around the Network

They should just do it when you select the option on the Triangle menu!

Hope that helps to some degree :P

ohh god dammit
i dont believe it.
i was trying to select to powers with analog stick GRRR

Awww, that might have had something to do with it :D

You all ok now then?

i do believe so :D

why not make it the same for when ur using ratchet

Yeah i know, bit of a pain to begin with!

Irritated me for a while till i found out what to do :D The rest of the game makes up for that pain though! Hope your enjoying it :D