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Seeing how crossplay went over between PS3 and Vita, I wouldn't get my hopes up for anything big.

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I don't know how much a winning move it really is. I'm very skeptical as a Sony consumer at this point because I've used PS3 + PSP & PS3 + PSV remote play and I can honestly tell you that it's too laggy for my taste. I feel the lag when I the press the buttons, and this is without playing any game, just in the Sony's interface (I forget the name of it). I'm not used to the slight delayed reaction. If cloud gaming feels anything like that, then Sony will never convince me into paying for their Cloud gaming tech.

-edit: Grammar.

It also would be nice to get the "WiiU version" of some multiplats titles like for example a future downloable Rayman Legends for PS4, its a nice extra option for some PS4/Vita users.

NYCrysis said:
WagnerPaiva said:
kitler53 said:

my only lulz about it is if they make ps4/vita remote play as easy as they say it will be it is likely to get more usage than the wiiU remote play as any game that actually uses the gamepad for innovative gameplay will be excluded from being able to use remote play.

on ps4 only move exclusive games won't be able to use remote play so that like what.. 4 games?

Yes, probably 5-10 games a year, but, they usually are not that good in my opinion... Althought, there was a interesting HORROR game coming to the Move, I wonder what happened to it.

it's coming out sometime this year. 


Loved the artwork, I will buy this game.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Until they announce that VITA games will be able to stream to the PS4, I'm not interested in the handheld. Remote play might be cool for dome, but I don't see it benefitting me any.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


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I dont think sony ppls care much about streaming. As an option yeah its cool. But they will likely wait till the media spin says the latency is good on beefy games before considering en mass. I have a vita and speaking as an owner I want a AAA game. Vita doesnt have any and if the ps4 cant stream a AAA flawlessly then vita is %n trouble. In order to justify paying for a ps4 and a vita its gonna take some serious 1st party awesomeness which better happen.

this feature is neither PS4 nor Vita winner move, its just a extra benefit for owner who own both system, which i'm definitely the one who will be enjoying it...

Wouldn't this be great if you live at a college dorm. This is great for people who want to enjoy some fresh air while playing some ps4 games.